Adult Entertainment Company looking for a partner

We were in the process of building the site, and unfortunately have come across some financial issues. We are an Adult Entertainment Company looking for someone to go partners with.

What we need:

1. Someone who is able to communicate back and forth throughout the day. ( email or phone calls )

2. Must be Financially stable ( everyone wants to join, but they don't have the money to do so )

3. A legal agreement between both parties so that we don't run into any problems in the future. ( unless you have your own legal issues )

- We would like to meet in person to discuss in detail. Keep in mind we are looking to do this asap. If this is something you are wanting to delay a bit, please do not respond.
Jack Flash's Avatar
WTF is this doing in the Welcome and Intros?
Southerng's Avatar
Good point Jack!
Jack Flash's Avatar
hey Richmond Entertainment.... Get this fucking shit off our hooker board!
Is this a porn company?
yes it is
Thread will be moved to the buisness section.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thx Ike for moving this thread