Should a "provider" that believes she may have been recently exposed to Herpes of something worse remove herself from the playing field for a period of time?

Whispers's Avatar
What's your opinion?

A provider openly expresses a concern she may have been exposed to Herpes or something worse..... Should she still be running ads and seeing clients?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
LOL. 100% of us "may have been" exposed to HERPES. 100% of providers, 100% of their clients "may have been." I wouldn't choose any of your choices on this poll. The first choice is particularly misleading. For example, A girl is BB'd by a client and she should tell the world that she "may have been" exposed to HERPES or worse? Is that what you are saying?

Plus, you don't seem to be an active hobbyist. Makes a person wonder about the motives of this poll...
Treetop78759's Avatar
I tried to vote but couldn't. Looks like Putin hacked in to Eccie.
3daygetaway's Avatar
We should all be testing regularly.

Whispers is playing a devils advocate here, stirring the pot. Herpes is harder to catch and easier to identify than this post pretends; knowledge is power. That being said, a test is in order for this lady, not for herpes, but for peace of mind. The most likely to catch without a creampie is chlamydia and gonorrhea, which is just bacteria and easier to spread than butter on toast--especially since women are largely asymptomatic.

Should she remove herself from the hobby? No. Any doctor, doc in the box, or community health clinic can give her an assessment with a piss test which also screens for syphillis. A blood draw will assess hiv and can test for herpes or the antibodies your body produces to fight it. It would take two weeks to show up in your blood AND more importantly, you are unlikely to spread it to anyone else if you are not having an outbreak.

The guy made a bad call, but she and her business should not be made to suffer.
Treetop78759's Avatar
One time when I went to tinkle and my pee pee smelled really bad but it was the asparagus. My weenie sometimes turns orange but only when I eat Cheetos and watch porn. I recently got a rash on my hiney because the Asian didn't wipe off all the oil. Other then that I'm clean.
Whispers's Avatar
..... A girl is BB'd by a client and she should tell the world that she "may have been" exposed to HERPES or worse? Is that what you are saying? Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
LMAO.... No... I don't think that should be the first thought of anyone that is responsible and making educated decisions here.....

A provider that announced to the world that she was concerned for such a thing would be damaging her own career.....

Yet.... We've seen exactly that happen....

back to the actual question here.... A provider DOEs state/believe she may have been exposed..... Does she belong here running ads without disclaimers?

Plus, you don't seem to be an active hobbyist. Makes a person wonder about the motives of this poll... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

LOL.... There are many guys in this community that are far more active than others might believe that choose to keep their personal experiences shared to a limited few with similar tastes or not at all.

People quit reviewing for a variety of reasons....

In regards to motives..... the poll is relevant to a current incident shared publicly here on the board..... There is a dark side to this hobby we all participate in that some may wish never came to light but in order to make informed decisions it needs to be discussed from time to time....

If someone takes a position that they believe they may have been exposed to something yet continues to participate without warning potential partners I believe they are displaying a reckless disregard for everyone's safety here..

justaphase's Avatar
My opinion is this "poll" is nothing more than an attempt to circumvent forum guidelines regarding discussion of health concerns regarding some specific member. It was posted after the OP was warned not to discuss such things in another review thread.

Moreover, the provider targeted by this attack ("poll") never stated she was concerned that she had been exposed. She stated what she would do IF she gets Herpes after unconcensual bareback sex.

I hope a mod removes this "poll" since it is obviously a poor attempt at circumventing specific forum guidelines the OP was already warned not to do.

Providers need to be able to post valid concerns in the Alerts section without fear of retaliation.
Whispers's Avatar
My opinion is this "poll" is nothing more than an attempt to circumvent forum guidelines regarding discussion of health concerns regarding some specific member. It was posted after the OP was warned not to discuss such things in another review thread.

No. It was posted within minutes of my post in another thread that you refer to but a few hours before any warning.

Moreover, the provider targeted by this attack ("poll") never stated she was concerned that she had been exposed. She stated what she would do IF she gets Herpes after unconcensual bareback sex.

No specific provider was targeted with this poll. I suppose you are one of those that believe Trumps Travel Ban was targeting Muslims? You have probably done more to draw attention to a provider than I did here. Some might say Thank-you.

I hope a mod removes this "poll" since it is obviously a poor attempt at circumventing specific forum guidelines the OP was already warned not to do.

What's that saying? Hope in one hand... Shit in the other....

Providers need to be able to post valid concerns in the Alerts section without fear of retaliation. Originally Posted by justaphase

Providers also need to be held accountable when they go off on members....

However.. The question here was if they are concerned with having been exposed do they still belong here..... I believe responses will show that they are not welcome...
justaphase's Avatar
Welcome to my ignore list. I hope you enjoy your stay.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
What's your opinion? Originally Posted by Whispers
Wakeup's Avatar
You pick the strangest things to latch onto...your "flavor of the month" topics are completely asinine...anyone ever told you that?
Whispers's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
Good, I hate being the first...
absolutely a ridiculous question. the girl makes a living as a provider, no other skills would be my guess, so she is just going to go to work at McDonald's because she has herpes and really is concerned she might give it to someone. I suggest you get to know the amp girls much better and not have to worry about that.
nuglet's Avatar
Dunno Boys, seems like just another of Whispers' desperate cries for attention, like his usual posts attempting to become relevant. It's understandable, he misses the his old glory days. Gotta give the senior Jabba a break..
Maybe he has found himself in an uncomfortable situation after a romp with one of his "lovelies" he loves to brag about and she gave him a present he now regrets?? dunno, just sayin'. Maybe it was a provider that was exposed and he's playing "I know a guy".

either way, it's a shame, he was doing so well just playing S.T.F.U.