France - This is the way

berryberry's Avatar
France held elections today. Voting in France is on Sunday.

NO Mail-in Ballots
NO Early Voting
NO Dirty Voting Machines
ONLY Paper Ballots
EVERYONE Must Show a Voter ID

Add in RESULTS counted and reported the same day and this is the way to make elections more secure, fair and to stop fraud
How do you think votes are counted from the paper ballots?

By a machine
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-10-2022, 01:49 PM
Do like Iraq, every ballot has a thumb print on it, and they dye stains your finger so you can only vote once.
berryberry's Avatar
How do you think votes are counted from the paper ballots?

By a machine Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
As usual, you miss the point by a mile.
I will see if you can figure it out
berryberry's Avatar
Hungary had an election, and now France, without anyone stopping the count.

No “pipes bursting.”
No one going home to take a nap.
bambino's Avatar
Macron will lose in a free and fair election. I wonder if Obywanger45 knows who Macron is?
None of this matters, facts and statistics don’t matter. You’re all racist, nazi, conspiracy theory believing, traitor, treasonous, redneck, bigots. I’ll save some time for anyone triggered.
How do you think votes are counted from the paper ballots?

By a machine Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... I'll ask the mates here NOT to get on-to you
as long as you make reasonable comments - like this one.

I think the "dirty voting machines" comment meant
the machines that don't keep proper tabulations
and records.

### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Macron will lose in a free and fair election. I wonder if Obywanger45 knows who Macron is? Originally Posted by bambino
Like that’s ever gonna happen.
bambino's Avatar
Like that’s ever gonna happen. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It won’t. Paris controls the country.