A word from Kitty

KittyLamour's Avatar
Well, I see the crooks and the jerks have been busy in my absence. Smh. That's fine. Anybody with half a mind can see it for what it is. Bullshit.

Bossladythick. You are absolutely one of the lowest common criminals I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. I called her because I needed a ride. I had money for a room and needed to pick my son up. She doesn't take me to rent a room like I asked she took me and my son back to her apartment, which I never wanted to be at in the first place.

She then proceeded to talk so much shit I thought I was going to puke about how popular she is and how everyone loves her etc etc. Well, then she started to get very aggressive and when I refused to cower at her feet and agree to her self imposed tyrade on why I am such a loser and she is so much better in every way than I am... she physically attacked me, choked the shit out of me, then tried to hold me hostage. She forced me in the spare bedroom, turned out the light and wouldn't let me out the door. When she stepped away from it, I ran for it, leaving everything behind. She followed me to the Tom Thumb parking lot and told me if I didn't come back she would call the cops on me for being a prostitute.

I was outside all night long... the next day I told her I needed to come get my stuff and she threw everything I had outside. Except she stole my Kenwood Stereo System. I think that she did what she did for that reason... to get my stereo. Why else would someone beat somebody for no reason and have them running for their life except to gain access to something I had that she wanted.

She is psycho. Loud, mean, manipulative, bossy and cruel. Shame on you Bosslady. You are so full of yourself you make me sick.

As for the other guy who posted. Yes, he came to pick me up... all he wanted was free pussy, made up that shit about his apt being inspected to get rid of me the next morning after taking advantage of a person in a bad situation. Sad.

I can't believe how easy it is for some people to just lie. Both of them... they were scared of the repurcussions of their actions here on the board if the truth came out so they both hurried up to lie to cover up their despicable deeds. It's utterly disgusting.

Yes I have been through hell and high water recently.

Yes, I am back on my feet and moved into my own apt today with the rent paid up through Oct. I am very happy and very blessed and glad that the past is in the past.

Anybody with any furniture to get rid of I am willing to wheel and deal.

BLT I think that there are legal issues in your near future... You don't get away with aggravated assault and robbery and then gloat about it.

If you have anything negative to say... I won't be interested in reading it. I am only interested in decorating my new apt and spending time with good hearted friends, both old and new. Like I said, I am so blessed and fortunate right now, All I want to do is keep moving forward and looking up.

As for the pack of lies published here recently about me from both parties... Those who know me know me better and the description you all try to pass off as being me couldn't be further from the truth. You both took advantage of a person in distress and should be getting a visit from Karma in your near future.... You see... Karma will be a much bigger bitch than I will ever need to be.

To the loser who is calling my phone screaming threats and obscenities harassing me... Grow up.

I've been through enough lately... More than any one person on their own should have to go through. I have been beaten, robbed, lied to, and treated like less than a person. Please let me just live my life. I don't need to be abused any more than I already have been.
novacain's Avatar
Honestly, do you really expect any of us to believe this drivel?? Any one that looks up your post history will see this is just the latest in a very very long line of bullshit, find a farmer and sell it to him, we here ain't buying.
Imagine That's Avatar
Never mind, Not worth it.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Umm okkkkk
So she locked you up with your son, in a spare room? Then you ran for it with your son? And then you stayed outside all night long with your son? How old is your son, BTW? Gee, there are number of resources that will aid someone with a young child that is homeless.

Well, glad you went from homeless to a nice appartment paid up for a couple of months so quickly.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I don't have a bone to pick but let's see Boss Lady Thick 25 reviews in 2013 with all Yes and no issues or alerts than you have KL in which I read 3 alerts in the past 30 days with a history of drama and quite a few No recommendations.
Ok sorry L I don't know you or BLT from Adam's house cat but your story is not believable at all- basically OldButStillGoing summed it up- please get some help.
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 08-26-2013, 07:03 PM
Kitty: do yourself a favor and try to stop posting explanations. It is only harming yourself further. Whether they are true or not, it is hard to believe so much crap happens to one person without that person having absolutely nothing to do with it.

Take a long look in the mirror and pull yourself together and figure out what needs to be changed as things are obviously not working for you as they are being done now.

I am saying this in your best interest, not bashing in anyway. I will ask folks to refrain from piling on....does it really to anyone any good to pile on other than float your own ego.
Goodness Goodness Goodness, please just stop posting. I will say another prayer for you and for your son.
this is a pretty simple math problem....many crazy stories and one variable is always the same. that variable is Kitty.

I find the whole "My Stereo" part of all these Kitty stories quite entertaining...
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-26-2013, 07:18 PM
I was in the middle of typing a long drawn out response pointing out or asking questions about all the questionable "facts" in this post but changed my mind. I instead will summarize:

BLT kidnapped a homeless person and her child (and stereo) and held them hostage for some reason. I think it was to preach about how good BLT was and how bad Kitty was. So part of BLT's evil plan was to trick Kitty into her private residence so that she could talk shit, choke her out, lock her in her spare bedroom that apparently has the light switch on the outside of the room. So this diabolical plan was to gain access to the infamous "kenwood stereo". Genius plan...pure genius!

Kudos on getting 3 months rent in about a weeks time....very nice!
You're so full of shit. You were telling everyone in chat last week, how you sold the stereo, now this chick supposedly picked you up and helped you out only to steal your stereo?
KittyLamour's Avatar
I am not going to try to defend myself. BLT knows what she did and plenty of people know about it.

My son was not there when the assault happened and I ran out. Please.

I told the truth I don't care if anybody believes me or not.

Like I said. Karma is a real mf'r.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I said I sold the stereo because it was none of your business Brock.