Price fixing!

hotrix1's Avatar
Best joke about prostitution ever done was by Bernard Shaw.

He was at a party once and he told this woman that everyone would agree to do anything for money, if the price was high enough.

`Surely not, she said.'

`Oh yes,' he said.

`Well, I wouldn't,' she said. `

Oh yes you would,' he said. `For instance,' he said, `would you sleep with me for... for a million bucks?'

`Well,' she said, `maybe for a million I would, yes.'

`Would you do it for ten bucks?' said Bernard Shaw.

`Certainly not!' said the woman `What do you take me for? A prostitute?'

`We've established that already,' said Bernard Shaw. `We're just trying to fix your price now!' "
Good one!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
that is funny.
hotrix1's Avatar
Things are too quiet in here on the MS board.
Sex + Humor - drama = MORE FUN.