Someone explain please/Registering my vehicle

Vivian Gates's Avatar
Registering my vehicle
OK... Here's a question... How do I plate a car here? Clean title. Expired out of state tags . Someone please explain to me like I'm in kindergarten...
Guitar's Avatar
Here in Rankin County, u just take your title to the courthouse and the Tax Collectors Office and they do the rest. Not sure what county u r in, but that's how it's done here. Or, that's how I've always done it. (Or, they've done it).
What Guitar said. That's the way it's done over the whole state.

And once you pay, they'll give you the tag right there, no waiting.
Jumper898's Avatar
but I had a similar problem some years ago.

Went to work out of country and forgot to have it renewed by someone. Was about 11 months expired and I had just moved to the Hinds Metro area. I nearly found out the hard way that the municipality can levy a fine as well as charge you for the tag. Don't ask me to tell you how they came up with the figure, but it was nearly $700 plus $275 for the tag they were wanting. needless to say, it stayed expired.

I had no clue they could do that, but they tried. I got creative and handled it another way, but it's something to be aware of. I'm not sure if it's just a Hinds County/City of jackson thing, but I imagine if one government bureaucracy can do it so can another.

Like I said, my two cents. Hope it works out for you, little lady.
Vivian Gates's Avatar
Thank you all
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Take the title to the tag office they will do the rest.

If your tag has been expired for awhile they will charge you for the expired months but there is a way around it get a receipt book from Walmart go to the middle of it and fill it out saying it as been in the repair shop and they will waiver it with no fees or penalities for being expired.
Jumper898's Avatar
Wildcat, where was your devious mind when I was in the same jam? lol I ended up just bribing my hometown clerks with deer meat and a deal on a gun for her husband.
disizme2k16's Avatar
I've done that without bribery or receipts, they just make you sign an affidavit saying you haven't driven it. Back to the original poster,if it was registered out of state and it was expired there, just take the title in and you are golden.