Let Trump finish out his final 13 days or invoke the 25th Amendment and relieve him of his duties today?

Should congress let Trump finish out his final 13 days or invoke the 25th Amendment and relieve him of his duties today? He has the Nuclear codes.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
I said congress it is actually the presidents cabinet that has to make that call.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
The cabinet was rumored to be meeting about it yesterday.

Why hasn't it been done yet?
He should be removed ASAP
I just hope he don't pardon people like Ted Kaxzynski and ones form the Manson family and the like. He could really show his power then.
Every citizen that partook in these riots should be tried for treason against the Union. Any politician that supported them should be tried as well.

'This is a revolution' yea that also means it is treason.
Get rid of the Orange faced dictator now. He will invite his cult to do more violence and attempt to overthrow the government again. We all know that. He has to go immediately. Any other country he would be gone already.
GOP Representative Kinzinger just called for Pence and the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment.
Actually they probably would have killed him in the streets and let everyone look at him for a day.When I was a kid in school I always wondered how 1 man could get people so riled up to kill 11 million innocent Jewish men, women, and children just because. Now I see how. Constantly not telling the truth and selling the lies.
You have to know how the 25th works. It's nowhere near immediate. It would take months upon months and there is only less than 3 weeks left. I'm not gonna explain the process because you can look it up but it's not something that's immediate or can be voted on immediately
Actually they were saying impeachment could take months, the 25th could be gone today. His cabinet has to start the ball rolling. I am no lawyer, you could be right. That is what they are saying.
berryberry's Avatar
Ahhh, all the Trump haters on this forum never disappoint in showing their TDS.

Trump is simply the dam holding back the river. You want to watch the powder keg in the country explode by ousting Trump, go ahead and light that match by removing him. It will make yesterday look like child's play

People have had it. This has been building for years. And it is only going to get worse given the divide in the country

Yesterday would not have happened had the rioting in the summer by the black lives matter and antifa idiots not been defended and normalized. To pretend that this happened in a vacuum is insane. BLM took over a police station and burned it to the ground. And the media defended it. 6 months ago people were applauding while our cities burned in the biggest riots in American history. Over 30 killed. And the Senile Biden campaign even financially supported the rioters.

It was a bad idea to change how we ran a presidential election more or less without democratic input, between consent decrees and lawfare, COVID shift to mail-ins, big tech interference, media lies, etc, anyone could have predicted this would lead to people rejecting results

But yeah, go ahead and remove Trump to satisfy your irrational hatred and soothe your TDS infected minds. Light that fire. I will sit back and watch the whole country blow up
berryberry's Avatar
Every citizen that partook in these riots should be tried for treason against the Union. Any politician that supported them should be tried as well.

'This is a revolution' yea that also means it is treason. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
You mean like these treasonous people:


or maybe these treasonous people

Those evil bastards !!!
Everyone you said berryberry, including the ones trying to get into the room where all the congressman and senator's were. The security were standing outside along the fence and the mob were spraying them with pepper spray. Anything they throw or spray at them they need shot and think about how many would have continued to do that.That includes being spit on. Would you do that if they were to have a gun pointed at you? I didn't know till this morning most guards were unarmed. Unreal.