Why people can occupy wall strett

  • j.mo
  • 11-19-2011, 12:08 PM
No. Thats why american can occupy Bagdad, Berlin, Tokyo, Manilla, Seoul
joe bloe's Avatar
Those guys are best we have. The OWS bunch are pathetic whiner losers.
sharkie's Avatar
The Occupy bunch is a mob of losers. They don't have jobs or prospects because no one wants them around. Now that the weather is getting cooler they'll be occupying mommy's basement again.
pyramider's Avatar
Oh goody . . . back D & D.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
I get tired of hearing the Hippocrates say they are the party of freedom and liberty, but then they say that the OWS protestors should be arrested.

Hey douche bag, here's a clue...the message doesn't matter as much as the freedom to state it. Support their right to voice their opinion and protest who they wish.

BTW, both corporate parties do this crap...
texasjohn1965's Avatar
The ows crowd has the right to voice their protest.

They do not have the right to occupy private property.
They do not have the right to create expenses that are paid for with public funds.
They do not have the right to destroy the personal property of others.
They do not have the right to threaten violence.

Their right to protest ends when it interferes with someone elses rights.
The ows crowd has the right to voice their protest.

They do not have the right to occupy private property.
They do not have the right to create expenses that are paid for with public funds.
They do not have the right to destroy the personal property of others.
They do not have the right to threaten violence.

Their right to protest ends when it interferes with someone elses rights. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965

And it would not hurt if they took a break from the occupation to find a job and pay taxes to help pay for the police that protect their right to protest.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
The ows crowd has the right to voice their protest.

They do not have the right to occupy private property.
They do not have the right to create expenses that are paid for with public funds.
They do not have the right to destroy the personal property of others.
They do not have the right to threaten violence.

Their right to protest ends when it interferes with someone elses rights. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
True they do not have the right to do those things.
However, civil disobedience is sometimes required to get real change in this country.
Think Rosa Parks.
Hell the revolutionaries that fought the British empire would be labeled "terrorists" in today's world, but thank goodness for them. They believed that the establishment had no right to tell them anything, and they were willing to fight to their death rather than be ruled by the state.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 11-24-2011, 09:32 AM
The ows crowd has the right to voice their protest.

They do not have the right to occupy private property.
They do not have the right to create expenses that are paid for with public funds.
They do not have the right to destroy the personal property of others.
They do not have the right to threaten violence.

Their right to protest ends when it interferes with someone elses rights. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Absolutley right on tj1965.

True they do not have the right to do those things.
However, civil disobedience is sometimes required to get real change in this country.
Think Rosa Parks.
Hell the revolutionaries that fought the British empire would be labeled "terrorists" in today's world, but thank goodness for them. They believed that the establishment had no right to tell them anything, and they were willing to fight to their death rather than be ruled by the state.
IJS Originally Posted by Smoke2nd
Smoke you have a point also, but who do you think is pulling the strings here? It's Soros, and all his new world order democrats, or I should say commucrats. I am sick to death of paying more than my fair share so some low life lazy sob, gets everything for free. Fuck those asswipes, I paid for my college education, out of my back pocket, they need to "man" up and get a fucking job. With the people that are in power now, have awakened the silent majority, and hopefully things will change next election.
joe bloe's Avatar
I get tired of hearing the Hippocrates say they are the party of freedom and liberty, but then they say that the OWS protestors should be arrested.

Hey douche bag, here's a clue...the message doesn't matter as much as the freedom to state it. Support their right to voice their opinion and protest who they wish.

BTW, both corporate parties do this crap... Originally Posted by Smoke2nd
Nobody on the right is advocating their arrest as long as they abide by the law. They can demonstrate until they die of old age for all I care. Just don't block the roads, break windows, etc.

The last I heard a couple of thousand arrests have occurred in the occupy crowd. None of those arrests were because of a dissaproval of their politics.
One's first reaction is to consider OWS supporters as fools. But, unlike Seedman,there are many that have no idea of what is taking place with the globalists. Sheeple need to look beyond what the liberal media deficates on a daily basis. The behavior of Chicago mob that is running the white house should have you suspicious. Biden and O'bummer campaigned heavily for Corzine for re-election as NJ Gov. They both said he was such a brilliant economist and leader, a former Goldman, Saks exec. So he resigns from MF Global just before they go belly up and they can't find $1.2billion. You won't here this on MSNBC. People need to get there news from somewhere other than ABC<CBS<NBC. You don't have to agree with everything they say and you won't, but at least tune in to conservative talk radio and get another side and another sample of what is going on in today's world. As for the OWS crowd, I was a teenager that hitch hiked from Baltimore to DC to protest Nixon's inaguration. Why ? because everyone else was. We had no purpose, it was something to do, besides school. Only the main stream media wants to legitimize these purposeless souls. Seedman mentioned him, Soros, if you don't know the name, better do some research. That is, if you care at all about what is happening and how it might affect us. The next generation just might be much different than anyone imagined if these commies do not meet some strong resistance.
So who is wallstreet, if i may ask? is it that patch of land? If i invest in the stock market, so am i considered wallstreet? If i invest in bank of america, i am a shareholder, so are they protesting me too? i mean, i am partly owner of the companies that are on wallstreet. If that is the case, then who are they targeting? i mean, i wanna see a name, not an income bracket. have a purpose, now i speak from an uneducated mind because though i know they are saying all these general things that resonate with all who are in the country, who are they targeting? is it the employees working on a particular street or an income bracket or shareholders (of which i qualify), at he moment, it seems like they have no end in sight, kinda like protesting hunger in the world, you cannot eliminate it but you can bring a lot of attention to the wrongs by protesting it. So someone care to explain who they are targeting and if wallstreet is the best place to be to send that message. From what it looks like, seems like capitol hill is more appropriate for the actions they want.
aznlvr11's Avatar
What seedman and copper said. The OWS is put there by the commucrats to cause trouble and unrest so that they are a distraction from what is really going on in the soon to be USSA.
LittleSpike's Avatar
If our founding fathers were political giants, we're living in a time of political pygmies.
The OWS groups (at least some of them) are protesting the banker bailouts, the sacrosanct Federal Reserve, and our lying politicians and federal government. The OWS is just a distraction, to take our minds off the fact that the country is being looted and destroyed.