For those who like to do it in the car: John busted by drone

roadfun's Avatar
Brought to you from the advanced city of Oklahoma City. A John and his gal (and her pimp) caught in the act by a private citizen's drone. Prosecution planned. Enjoy your weekend

Here is the link.
This guy is going to be in court on so many counts . . . and some meeting with the FAA are in his future!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm sure the guy is quite proud of himself, and the footage is interesting.. but worthless as a LE tool.
  • grean
  • 12-04-2015, 09:26 AM
I think they mean the guy flying the drone.
I think Chung meant him too. Lol.
roadfun's Avatar
Apparently LE is using the video, at least the news write up at Ars Technica on this said they are. But to me the video wouldn't do the trick (ha ha) at least not with a decent lawyer.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
The video doesn't prove prostitution. But it might prove lewd conduct - sex crime; much worse.
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Good reason to pay for hotel room
  • grean
  • 12-04-2015, 10:20 AM
"wasn't me" comes to mind.....
  • grean
  • 12-04-2015, 10:23 AM
I think that's how traffic cameras work. They give you the ticket because they can ID the license plate number. they dont care if it is you driving. I think.

In this case "wasn't me" seems a good enough to stop the bs.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think Chung meant him too. Lol. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I did, LOL.. not sure why the misunderstanding, unless grean's remark was a sly joke that flew right past us!
  • grean
  • 12-04-2015, 11:07 AM
it flew right past me too.I've never been accused of being an awefully bright bulb. looks like I Ass+U+Me and didn't read carefully enough. I am accused of talking out of my ass quite often.
Same here. Luckily I can just pass it off as a queef.
Invisible1's Avatar
Hot Nurse, do you mean like a brain queef?

On topic: Drones are so freaking cool. In 20 years the sky will be full of them doing so many different covert and non-covert tasks. Sooo, now is a really good time to buy a shot gun and lots of ammo. Building a directional variable high frequency transmitter to jam communication a little is probably a good idea too. Nothing like putting a wrench in the system from time to time......just to test how it responds of course.

Or learn to fly one with with FPV (first person view). If you can't beat em' join em. For now, flying drones is still a hobby that is less expensive than this hobby.
Those drones are quite the hot item this christmas. My 11 year old wants one. Might have to think about it some more.