Hey everyone! Hope you're having a good week.

I've been doing a lot of personal research into NBA policies. When I first started I had another provider showing me the ropes who warned me to keep an NBA policy for my safety (for several seemingly good reasons).

I've been questioning those reasons a lot lately, and have done a lot of research into providers who do see AA men. After all of it I've decided to lift my NBA policy. From now on race will not affect whether or not I schedule with you. I will continue to screen thoroughly because I know there are bad apples everywhere, but I won't be blatantly ignoring or simply saying "no" to you because of some old reasoning that doesn't make sense to me.

Make Love, Not War

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me and I will answer them.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hey everyone! Hope you're having a good week.

I've been doing a lot of personal research into NBA policies. When I first started I had another provider showing me the ropes who warned me to keep an NBA policy for my safety (for several seemingly good reasons).

I've been questioning those reasons a lot lately, and have done a lot of research into providers who do see AA men. After all of it I've decided to lift my NBA policy. From now on race will not affect whether or not I schedule with you. I will continue to screen thoroughly because I know there are bad apples everywhere, but I won't be blatantly ignoring or simply saying "no" to you because of some old reasoning that doesn't make sense to me.

Make Love, Not War

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me and I will answer them.

Daphne Originally Posted by Daphne-Hart
I think you are making a good choice. It will be interesting if the "good" brothers come and see you and pay your rate, or the "bad" brothers overwhelm you and you revert back to NBA.
I hope it works out for you.
Daphne i have seen them since i have started and never had an issue! That's good to hear! I was told by another provider a few years back that it would not be a good idea to...did i listen to her? Nope! Do what you feel is best for you!

Good for you!
Dr. King would be so proud! (Tear)
LOL donkeykong. When I first started, a girlfriend of mine had told me to have an NBA policy and so I did...and I missed out on meeting some really great people. And so now I just have a "No thug" policy, which does not include color. Because ratchness fuckery can be in any race.
Just in time for black history month!
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
YES for all the Polynesians
Daphne, I commend you for your research and seeking advice from other providers prior to making your decision.
I wonder if this means providers should run specials for AA men for black history month...
That's cool. Good for you. Have fun.

**See, the market works out it's own issues.**
I'm sure you have plenty of volunteers to extend the olive branch and bridge the gap between our worlds!
Great for you.

Ladies, if someone says jump off a bridge, please don't do it. There is no difference when it comes to who to see and not to see. Do what works best for YOU and your comfort level. After all, its your orifices

Welcome to the jungle !
Most providers with NBA policies have them because of a perceived notion that all black men are pimps, thugs or are rough with the girls. There are also members of this board who will not see a provider unless she has an NBA policy, so if she wants his business, so she has to adopt one. Everyone should be equal regardless of the color of their skin and if you wish to classify individuals as types, it should be because of the content of their character, not the color of their skin.