Are You Hooked On Eccie

Bluesplyr's Avatar
are you hooked on this site like I am? on average I am on here about 10 times a day..check the add's, reviews and chat is great for a quick hook up.

how about you guys / gals?
koseylee's Avatar
Glad to hear lm not the only one
sparrow1122's Avatar
You are on 10 times a day?!?! Lightweight!
Quit logging off!

It is an interesting place to hang out!
To some extent everyone here is a sex (love) addict. No telling about other addictions.
Invisible1's Avatar
No comment.
  • Gbfsl
  • 04-16-2015, 10:50 AM
It's like a car wreck where you don't want to look, but you can't help yourself.
I am an admitted junkie.
People log off?
I plead the 5th...
You guys are funny.

I go in cycles. Sometimes I binge for a day or so to catch up on any juicy news or gossip. But I can go weeks without logging on sometimes. Especially if I'm taking a break.

I have a friend that hits the new post tab non-spot.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Pretty much always an eccie tab open at work.
Durantx8817's Avatar
Bookmarked and ive been told im on my phone to much. Lol
The good thing about riding the Harley is you can't get on ECCIE.
The bad thing about riding the Harley is you can't get on...LOOK OUT, LADY!!!!

Whew...that was close!
It's not safe to text and drive. So, I Eccie!!!! My name is Zipster....and I'm an addict!!!!!
OldGrump's Avatar
And that is a bad thing?????

I'm addicted to breathing too. I don't want to break either habit.
seanj317's Avatar
my normal life has been on hold for a few months. i dont check facebook, twitter, gun sites, i seem to be here all the time!