Tucker Carlson slams efforts to shut down Fox News

  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 04:26 AM

Tucker Carlson Tonight' host breaks down efforts from the left to shut down Fox News and conservative beliefs.

The usual from teh radical DPST/ccp party
if it is a different opinion from the marxist narrative of teh radical leftists - it is objectionable
if it objectionable - it must be censored
any idea censored - must also be accompanied into oblivion by the purveyor of the idea
any purveyor of objectionable ideas must be destroyed -totally and completely.

however - of course - that DPST/ccp dictum applies not to DPST/ccp lapdog LSM fawning and drooling liars.

DPST/ccp are totally unable to tolerate any different ideas than their own marxist narrative,

and - there are not enough 'safe spaces' in america anymore for all the howling , screaming DPST/ccpers seeking 'safe spaces" from 'objectionable ideas' in perpetuity!

so - they censor and destroy - it is their narrative.

Intolerance, censorship, destruction - the DPST/ccp way!

rexdutchman's Avatar
Free speech ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-26-2021, 07:43 AM
Free speech ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
The free speech to shut down a news channel by boycotting their advertisers.

Both sides seem to do that now don't they.
Maybe they should drop news from the name.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Maybe they should drop news from the name. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I think all other media would have to go first, those that denied that Hunter Biden was under investigation when they had to know it was true but did not report this news because they wanted to protect Joe Biden's chance at winning the Presidency. Was MSNBC and CNN reporting the news when their on air people accused a siting President of being a Russian agent with no proof?

There is no factual basis for saying Fox News doesn't cover the news, they do. They merely "question" conclusions drawn by other left biased news reporting. The "news" was that many Americans did not believe the election was free from fraud. Polls confirmed this fact of "belief". Whether it was true or not does not take away for the news that this belief existed and to not report that news would have been irresponsible, not giving voice to what millions of Americans were saying out loud just because many didn't want to hear what others believed to be true.

I watch a lot of Fox News and can say unequivocally, that nobody on Fox News has ever supported Qanon, White Supremacy, the KKK, Proud Boys or any other domestic or foreign terrorist organizations. This is a false accusation. Reporting what Trump says, what members of these organizations say, is reporting the news unless of course you want to go back and accuse MSM of reporting everything that Osama Bin Laden ever said as supporting those views.

Members of Fox News take political positions different from yours, something we use to value in this country.

And if we are going to put anybody on trial for peddling "conspiracy theories" we would have to start with Democrats, the NYT and Washington Post for peddling the theory of conspiracy to interfere in an election. Conspiracy to hide factual information about the previous FBI and DOJ and a conspiracy to hide information about Hunter Biden that might effect the outcome of the recent election.

The only thing Fox News is guilty of is reporting what you don't want to hear, the whole reason for free speech, to protect the right to voice a different opinion.

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  • WTF
  • 01-26-2021, 10:05 AM
Maybe they should drop news from the name. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Fox Spews
  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 12:52 PM
JF - well written and ACCURATE.

the DPST/ccp party lives on their lies, and the delusions they feed their minions through their LSM -

they are destroying America - by destroying the Right to Freedom of speech, Truth and FACTs reporting in teh media , and to have a different opinion than teh howling PC arbiters of the DPST/ccp terror arms.

They took their lessons in destruction of teh Constitution from Xi, Putin, and kim. who are laughing long, loud, and paternalistically at America and its' new regime.
I disagree with what you’re saying about Fox for this reason: they take no responsibility to question whether what they report is true or not. I’ve watched enough Fox to understand that their view of reporting is to just allow anything to be presented and pretty much not challenge the truth of the statements. Well unless the guest is from the left then they take a different tact altogether.

Are both sides guilty of this, sure. Is there more bias at Fox Than at CNN. I think believe so. At MSNBC about the same as They are intentionally polar opposites in presenting their opinions. Now we are talking about the news folks because the talking heads on all 3 channels are just that, talking heads.

Personally, I believe that people in the press should question what’s being said by their guests in an interview. Allowing an interviewee to lie or misstate without calling them on it defeats the point of an interview.

And let’s not forget that Fox News has in court on several occasions stated that they are not news. They are entertainment. Hence they can basically say anything without adhering to any journalistic standards. That has been their defense, in court.
LexusLover's Avatar
I disagree with what you’re saying about Fox for this reason: they take no responsibility to question whether what they report is true or not. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You mean when they have Black MEN and WOMEN come on express their thoughts about the way the DumboCrats are fucking up the country?

Rather than paraphrase aka parrotphrase like your dumbomedia does, they actually invite minorities on to the shows and let them talk.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I disagree with what you’re saying about Fox for this reason: they take no responsibility to question whether what they report is true or not. I’ve watched enough Fox to understand that their view of reporting is to just allow anything to be presented and pretty much not challenge the truth of the statements. Well unless the guest is from the left then they take a different tact altogether.

Are both sides guilty of this, sure. Is there more bias at Fox Than at CNN. I think believe so. At MSNBC about the same as They are intentionally polar opposites in presenting their opinions. Now we are talking about the news folks because the talking heads on all 3 channels are just that, talking heads.

Personally, I believe that people in the press should question what’s being said by their guests in an interview. Allowing an interviewee to lie or misstate without calling them on it defeats the point of an interview.

And let’s not forget that Fox News has in court on several occasions stated that they are not news. They are entertainment. Hence they can basically say anything without adhering to any journalistic standards. That has been their defense, in court. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Take a wild guess at how many times Adam Shiff was "called" on his assertion that he had proof that Trump and members of his administration conspired to interfere in the 2016 election on CNN and MSNBC? Because I would be willing to bet the number of times anybody on CNN or MSNBC asked Adam Schiff to provide his proof or stop saying that, would be zero.

Media lawyers note this is not the first time this sort of defense has been offered. A $10 million libel lawsuit filed by the owners of One America News Network against MSNBC's top star, Rachel Maddow, was dismissed in May when the judge ruled she had stretched the established facts allowably: "The context of Maddow's statement shows reasonable viewers would consider the contested statement to be opinion."

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell apologizes, retracts report on Trump finances

How many times would you guess that anybody on CNN or MSNBC challenged anybody that said the Hunter Biden story being investigated was Russian dis-information? My guess, never. As a matter of fact, every single person on both those "news" shows, agreed with that assertion every time it was said. They even talked 50 former Intelligence officials into signing a letter, having no actual proof of their own, that the Hunter Biden story sure sounded like something the Russians would do and presented that as evidence, that was the truth that their listeners should take from that. Did anybody that presented that letter as a topic of discussion ever ask any one of those people for the evidence they were basing their statements on? Nope

Maybe we should have a commission to look at every "news" broadcast in the last 4 years and anybody that didn't challenge a lie being told on air, is permanently banned from ever reporting news again. Think anybody at CNN or MSNBC or Fox would think that's a good idea? Would there be anybody left to report the news?

Or and here is a radical idea, let people say what ever they believe and I judge whether what they are saying is the truth or not. Radical huh? And I can continue to watch, listen and read what ever I damn well feel like watching, listening to and reading.

And if I act on something I heard but had no independent proof of and commit a crime, that's on me, not Fox, not CNN and not MSNBC.

You know, the American way. Personal responsibility.

Or we could get you to write a new law on who can use the words "news". Yeah, that's the ticket!

Then it’s not news. Which is exactly the point. If you’re just giving people a platform to lie then don’t call it news. Because it’s not. Your Whataboutism only proves exactly what I’m saying. If people are allowed to present “their truth” and they aren’t called to task on it,then why bother to have news channels. Let’s just call them all entertainment channels and allow people to be misinformed based on what channel they want to relate to. Oh, that right. That’s exactly what we have. People can choose the story that most adheres to their beliefs, true or not and upon that they can reinforce their beliefs.

You and I may be able to discern between what we are presented and what the “truth” is or we might take “news” with a level of skepticism, but most people believe because they heard it on the news channel it must be true. Shit, there’re people on this site that believe shit they seeonTwitter, Parler, Facebook and even worse on OANN and Newsmax as being true without the ability to use critical thinking skills to know it’s just opinion.

The fact that “news” doesn’t even agree on the facts any longer saysalot. And that is dangerous. Interpreting facts, ok we can differ, but we should be able to have the same facts to start. If one listens to Fox and MSNBC the facts will not only be presented differently but they will be different.

That’s how we have people marching on the capital believing that their president was being robbed of his second term to attack legislators with the intent to take back their country.
  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 06:24 PM
amazing the intellectual contortions the DPST/ccp uses t justify their lying, scamming, narrative marxist ideology Uber alles slanted LSM.
txdot-guy's Avatar
amazing the intellectual contortions the DPST/ccp uses t justify their lying, scamming, narrative marxist ideology Uber alles slanted LSM. Originally Posted by oeb11

Amazing the intellectual contortions the GOP/Fascist Party uses to justify their lying, scamming narrative white power racist ideology, Uber Alles slanted Right Wing Trumpist Media.

See Oeb. I can do it to. Why don't you stop being a troll.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Watch more CNN ( china news net ) drink the kool aide bud
  • oeb11
  • 01-29-2021, 07:58 AM
amazing the intellectual contortions the DPST/ccp party goes through to justify their marxist totalitarian 'socialshit ideology' - which has set back teh cause of race relations by decades with a return to quotas, segregation, and minority identity politics.
Not to mention the hypocrisy of the leaders who all act out - "do what i tell you, not what i do"!

thank for the name-calling - and One does not have to participate in this forum - if one is offended!


n an undated video clip that has now gone viral on social media, Malcolm X can be heard warning fellow black Americans to be wary of the sinister intentions of the ‘liberals.’ A human rights activist and the spokesperson of the Nation of Islam, he was a prominent figure in the United States’ Civil Rights Movement. He said, “There are many whites who are trying to solve the problem. But, you never see them going under the label of liberals.” Malcolm highlighted that the White American who identifies as a liberal is the most ‘dangerous’ and ‘deceitful’ thing in the Western Hemisphere.
The Human Rights activist further compares a liberal to a fox, which unlike the wolf, deceits its prey. In other words, Malcolm X suggested that the ‘liberals’ who claim to be the ones fighting for the rights of black Americans is in fact exploiting them for their own benefits.

Snippet of a viral speech of Malcolm X Accuses liberals of using African Americans as political pawns

In another video, Malcolm said that the issues concerning black Americans were raised by white liberals as part of a vicious power politics to get back at the white conservatives. In his own words, the liberals do so in order to gain power or retain power. Malcolm stated that politics in the United States was no more divided between two parties – Republicans and Democrats. It had turned into a power tussle between the liberals and the conservatives of both parties.alcolm stated, “The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than the conservatives. Both want power. But, the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the negro’s (sic) friend and benefactor.” He accused the liberals of using the black Americans as ‘political pawns’ in their political struggle against the conservatives.
“The American negro is nothing but a political football and the white liberals control this ball. Through tricks, tokenism, and false promises of integration and civil rights…,” he remarked. He blamed the Black civil rights leaders for selling the black community to the liberals for tokenism.

Comment - remarkably accurate then - and also prescient for today's 'liberals' - who use black America for votes - then keep them in shithole cities on welfare and dependent on the 'Liberal largess"!