House Democrats Looking to Expel GOP Rep. Who Liked a Comment Calling for the Execution of Nancy Pelosi

  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 08:49 AM


House Democrats Looking to Expel GOP Rep. Who Liked a Comment Calling for the Execution of Nancy Pelosi

Duration: 01:03 3 hrs ago

California Representative Jimmy Gomez announced that he will be introducing a resolution to expel Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress. Veuer’s Chandra Lanier has the story.

Comment - typical censorship and controlling retaliation for any deviation from teh DPST/ccp ideology and propaganda .
Group think and doublespeak
the DPST/ccp party has enabled, fomented, and paid for riots Across teh nation to destabilize teh Country and enable a marxist totalitarian cabal to take "POWER" ( their own words)

They are all about censorship, and immeiate, vicious retaliation for anyone who does not toe their mark ideologically.

This from the haters of teh Jewish People, who Deny the Holocaust = but would put 100 million in AOC's concentration camps for liquidation due to ideology.

Freedom of Speech - is only tolerated if it is consonant with the radical marxist narrative of the hateful , marxist DPSY/ccp party !

republicans should put up a similar resolution to throw out AOC and her entire, Anti-Semitic hateful squad, and all those who support her hate!
matchingmole's Avatar
‘Home Edit’ stars show how to organize pantry, exercise area, home office and flush turd

That's where we've come today. Lose your job because you've liked a comment. Welcome to Amerika.

Wipe your FB, IG and Twitter accounts clean. Delete you gmail and hotmail accounts and go to protonmail.
  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 09:12 AM
Lose your job, your home, your freedom to the AOC concentration camps - and go up in the camp chimneys in smoke.

Anyone who dares to look cross-eyed at the approved political ideology will be Punished.

That is the 'socialist dream of the AOC led DPSY/ccp party -

Orwellian control of their United soviet Socialist States of Amerika.

and when they came for me- there was No One to speak for Me

Best take heed - DPST/ccp minions.

AOC will NOT hesitate to flush anyone in opposition to her marxist ideology.
  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 09:13 AM
'Execute nazi pelosi' - how can One know if she is even alive today -

reminds me of Trumps' second Impeachment - He is already out of office - yet the persecutions and hatred persists.

How many hateful Impeachments can nazi pelosi pas in teh house - 4-8- 20 - until She, Schumer, fiden, and Trump are all Gone to their afterlife Rewards????

She is so haggard - she is a zombie.
Uh guys, what would you want to happen to a Democrat Rep liking to execute Mitch a year ago? Not to mention if her other stupid shit was on the other foot? Personally, I prefer an aged cheddar with my whine.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'll have to part company with some on the right on this one. She wasn't merely disagreeing with an ideology, a political opinion. She wasn't agreeing with something as innocuous as "let's keep fighting" which has been used since politics began as working within the law to achieve a political goal. The word "fight" is wrapped in the cloak of "benefit of doubt". "Extermination" leaves no doubt what so ever as to it's meaning when used against a human being. I say bounce her ass.

It's a step to far for me.
Common sense
Apology. I did not mean the word common as derogatory.
Uh guys, what would you want to happen to a Democrat Rep liking to execute Mitch a year ago? Originally Posted by reddog1951
I would have laughed and raised a beer to it.

Politicians only stop lying when they stop dancing at the end of a rope.
Glock - if the moderators are watching as they should, the nature of your post is the very reason if fear for the continued existence of this forum.
  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 02:17 PM
We pay our politicians to lie to us, and They do a damn good job of it.

GG has a generic point.
Glock - if the moderators are watching as they should, the nature of your post is the very reason if fear for the continued existence of this forum. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Any politician that doesn't fear for their lives isn't a politician, they're a ruler. And this isn't a land of rulers. No kings, queens, or lords. Just men & women. The 2nd Amendment is the Sword of Damocles to remind them of that fact, no matter how hard they try to subvert it.
Again, I think it wise for those that own this site to consider the risk/benefit of this forum. Seems some are unglued and may rise to the level of threat. Friendly suggestion.
Smarter thing is to not host the website domestically. Also keeps you from having to make changes to abide by US laws, like FOSTA and SESTA.

Personally, if I were to open a site, it'd be a .ch domain out of Switzerland.