The Democratic Party Is Dead

It is now the Democratic Socialist Party. They use KGB tactics to squash any dissent. You will soon be able to wipe your ass with the Bill of Rights.
  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 09:17 AM
G - they already do that - in subservience to their master - Comrade Xi.

Now - I agree - but You left out the progressive and Totalitarian parts of their marxist ideology!
  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 09:18 AM
Thank you for the valued criticism in cogent adn constructive debate!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I keep asking the question and receive no responses. Name one policy proposed by Biden that would be considered socialistic.

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a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 09:44 AM
Name One that is not Progressive /Socialist/totalitarian.

wiping out thousands of jobs - for the socialist marxist ideology
apologists for the cabal criminal regime will one day have a reckoning and rue their support for teh marxist radicals in power over a puppet fiden.
First of all, this is the first I've seen "your call."
Second, Biden doesn't know what he's doing. All the actions taken by Big Tech and the Democratic Socialist are actions that Biden is complicit in.

So I would propose "Limiting Free Speech".
They still have 10K National Guard troops at the Capitol.
Biden's EO forbidding foreclosures.
Biden's EO requiring masks.
Biden's EO mandating a $15 an hour minimum wage.

here's the list:
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-28-2021, 09:54 AM
The trump cult still bitchin huh.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I keep asking the question and receive no responses. Name one policy proposed by Biden that would be considered socialistic.

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a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

These results make it clear that socialism is a broad concept that can -- and is -- understood in a variety of ways by Americans.

Your definition above is considered by some, as the old definition. My definition is simple. If you prefer big government, in that you lean towards government solutions to literally every problem, you are a Socialist. If you view Capitalism as a problem and not a solution, you are a Socialist.That does not make one an evil person, merely a person with a different view point.

If like me, you believe in smaller government, less government involvement especially in business affairs and a staunch supporter of Capitalism which has brought more prosperity to the world than any other form of economic theory, you are not a Socialist.

Using that definition, every policy Joe Biden proposes is Socialist in nature, some more than others.

The two biggest example we argue about, are Medicare/ Medicaid and Social Security. And this is because government "mandates" we participate in these two for our own good and if left up to being voluntary, would most likely mean they wouldn't exist and the government would need more money, ie taxes to take care of those who chose not to participate but as a society, we can't just ignore the sick and poor. So yes, some small "s" Socialism seems to be acceptable to the majority.

But the government micro managing our daily lives as the Biden administration seems to be inclined to do and tell us which "group", dived by color shall be first in line, I believe will cause more problems than solutions.

Socialists or Democratic Socialist believe in ever more government programs and non Socialist believe in less government programs but not all. I happen to believe that Medicare/ Medicaid and Social Security are good for Americans but I have to weigh that against my objection to most government mandates.

Of course we must pay taxes for our National Defense and local defense and infrastructure that allows for business growth like interstate highways but there should be limits to government involvement and by example, telling a baker or florist who they must provide service to if they want a business license, in the 21st century, is government over reach in my opinion. There was a time for such government intervention but that time for the most part is gone. While in the past a Gay couple might find it difficult to get a baker to put two male or two female statuettes on a wedding cake, ( which they could do themselves after receiving a plane cake ) that would seem to be no longer a problem in most of America and if it does exist in this corner or that, that would not justify the federal government getting involved when State government is capable of deciding such matters and if you don't like the decisions of one state, you have 49 others to choose from.

Big government ( Big Brother government ) versus smaller government. Reduce the definition to that and it becomes a more "manageable" argument IMHO.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-28-2021, 10:34 AM
It is now the Democratic Socialist Party. They use KGB tactics to squash any dissent. You will soon be able to wipe your ass with the Bill of Rights. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Was Trump's PPP program Socialist ?

You sound retarded.

Should I provide a link as to how retarded?

Ripmany's Avatar
There here have china to give money it really depends who give money what keeps them alive.
I keep asking the question and receive no responses. Name one policy proposed by Biden that would be considered socialistic.

Learn to pronounce
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I had the same problem when I asked for anything Biden accomplished during his 47 year political career. Make that 47 year 8 day career
easy peasy ...and without any research and not even considering anything else out there

and where have you been ? asleep or just nodding off....maybe just resting your eyes with a death grip on the remote control?

his equity executive order is both racist and socialistic
"My definition is simple." You are correct in that regard.

The problem is that unless your name is Webster, you have no standing to define terms, much less skew their meaning in an effort to be inflammatory. Many posters on this board are guilty of applying labels they don't understand as a means to incite (IMO, Rush Limbaugh was a pioneer in this field); applies to both the right and the left.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Your definition above is considered by some, as the old definition. My definition is simple. If you prefer big government, in that you lean towards government solutions to literally every problem, you are a Socialist. If you view Capitalism as a problem and not a solution, you are a Socialist.That does not make one an evil person, merely a person with a different view point.

If like me, you believe in smaller government, less government involvement especially in business affairs and a staunch supporter of Capitalism which has brought more prosperity to the world than any other form of economic theory, you are not a Socialist.

Using that definition, every policy Joe Biden proposes is Socialist in nature, some more than others.

The two biggest example we argue about, are Medicare/ Medicaid and Social Security. And this is because government "mandates" we participate in these two for our own good and if left up to being voluntary, would most likely mean they wouldn't exist and the government would need more money, ie taxes to take care of those who chose not to participate but as a society, we can't just ignore the sick and poor. So yes, some small "s" Socialism seems to be acceptable to the majority.

But the government micro managing our daily lives as the Biden administration seems to be inclined to do and tell us which "group", dived by color shall be first in line, I believe will cause more problems than solutions.

Socialists or Democratic Socialist believe in ever more government programs and non Socialist believe in less government programs but not all. I happen to believe that Medicare/ Medicaid and Social Security are good for Americans but I have to weigh that against my objection to most government mandates.

Of course we must pay taxes for our National Defense and local defense and infrastructure that allows for business growth like interstate highways but there should be limits to government involvement and by example, telling a baker or florist who they must provide service to if they want a business license, in the 21st century, is government over reach in my opinion. There was a time for such government intervention but that time for the most part is gone. While in the past a Gay couple might find it difficult to get a baker to put two male or two female statuettes on a wedding cake, ( which they could do themselves after receiving a plane cake ) that would seem to be no longer a problem in most of America and if it does exist in this corner or that, that would not justify the federal government getting involved when State government is capable of deciding such matters and if you don't like the decisions of one state, you have 49 others to choose from.

Big government ( Big Brother government ) versus smaller government. Reduce the definition to that and it becomes a more "manageable" argument IMHO.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
IF you want to redefine socialism, a term that has existed for I don't know how long, then yes, some if not many of Biden's proposals would fall under the "new" definition of socialism.

Social Security and Medicare are not considered socialism because they are funded by individuals and their employers.

"Social Security and Medicare are two separate programs administered by the government, but funded by individuals and their employers. The government does not contribute any funds into the programs. In order to qualify for each of these programs an individual must have worked and contributed for a minimum amount of terms. If one qualifies for Social Security then you automatically qualify for Medicare. Note the term qualify.

Socialism is where the government provides services to all, irrespective of whether they contribute."

But you generalized and did not name a specific policy proposed by Biden that is socialistic, under the old or new definition.

Regarding capitalism. I supported Trump's tax revision but I thought those with lower incomes should have been given more than those with higher incomes. I received a nice tax break, one that I did not really need. Does that make me a socialist?