Have you seen Rookie Blue yet? Typical summer, crime-drama fodder, but the eye candy is good! This past week's episode involved the "tradition" of sending rookies to work the downtown corners posing as streetwalkers.
The episode was pretty stereotypical, but it had its moments including one of the trolling John's pulling up to the curb and asking Missy's character to reach in and grab his crotch, ". . .because with no track-marks, a face and body out of a magazine, and that suburban accent, you ain't no hooker, you must be a cop."
Now I know we have some pretty dedicated mongers on this board that love to cruise for SW, but please tell me none of them would be dumb enough to ask a lady he believes to be a female cop to reach in and grab his. . .
Right, fellas?
Anyway. . .you know the drill. If Missy were a provider would you be interested? How much would you be willing to pay? Would you pay extra if she wore her blue uniform? Are there any providers that remind you of her?