How Much Would You Pay To Hit It Part 20: Jennie Finch

ANONONE's Avatar
I am watching the Fastpitch World Cup on ESPN and Jennie Finch is pitching lights-out. It would be a perfect game if she hadn't hit a batter. They said she is retiring this year from international play at the age of 29.

So obviously the fantasy wheels turned in my head and i wondered what it would be like if she decided to be a provider.

You know the drill. If she were a provider would you book with her? How much would you be willing to pay? Are there any providers that remind you of her?

John Bull's Avatar
Yes indeed!
She's no Kimberly Joseph (see HMWYPTHI Part 19), but think about the muscle control she must have.
TexTushHog's Avatar
My kind of body. Back up the truck to the vault.
Probably too tall.

Probably loves working out...not sex.

And probably really disappointing BCD.
hobbiknob's Avatar
Now you're finally mentioning someone I'm familiar with and have said many times I'd give it all up for. My other ATF female athlete fantasy is Natalie Gulbis.
stugots's Avatar
Went to one of those world cup games a little while back here in OKC. Saw her up close......WOW!!! Not only stunning but tall at 6'1". All I could say is may need to take out a loan. But there is a part of me that agrees with CT, there is the possibility of some disappointment...but I would certainly like to find out.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Hot amateur--- I'd love to have BCD time with her.
excel75's Avatar
I would pay $500, without even thinking about it.!!!!! If you add Jessica Mendoza with the mix, that would be an even $1000!!!!!!!!!!!
ANONONE's Avatar
Would you go $1,500 if Kat Osterman joined in?

ratboy jam's Avatar
She's not 6'1", but Holly of Houston comes pretty damn close in the looks dept.!!