Things keep getting worse for Biden BLM nominee Tracy Stone-Manning

  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2021, 09:30 AM

Things keep getting worse for Tracy Stone-Manning, President Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management.

If confirmed, Stone-Manning would run an agency tasked with managing 245 million acres of public land and 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estate, according to the BLM.
But her ties to a 1989 tree-spiking plot have led to intense Republican opposition.
She testified, in exchange for immunity, that she retyped and sent an anonymous letter to the U.S. Forest Service on behalf of John P. Blount, her former roommate and friend. The letter told the Forest Service that 500 pounds of "spikes measuring 8 to 10 inches in length" had been jammed into the trees of an Idaho forest.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and every Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee have urged Biden to withdraw her nomination.
The nominee's written answers to senators have raised questions about her truthfulness.
In her initial round of written answers, she denied ever being the target of a criminal investigation – but her own past statements, as well as the lead investigator on the case, directly contradict that assertion.
"She told the committee she had never been the subject of an investigation and yet complained about being investigated in the press," Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the top Republican on the committee, previously told Fox News.
In her written responses to follow-up questions from senators, which Fox News has reviewed, Stone-Manning said she had no "personal knowledge" of any tree-spiking plot in her lifetime.
But two of the men convicted in the 1989 tree-spiking plot told E&E News that Stone-Manning did, in fact, have foreknowledge of the plot. Two other co-conspirators in the plot, however, said she did not know in advance about the plot.
In 1989, a few months before the tree spiking, Stone-Manning promoted an environmental festival that included a "tree-spiking contest," according to archives of the Montana Kaiman reviewed by Fox News. That revelation has not been previously reported.
Tree spiking is a dangerous and violent eco-terrorism tactic where metal rods are inserted into trees to prevent them from being cut down. The metal rods damage saws that, in turn, have severely injured people, such as a mill worker whose jaw was split in two from an exploding saw.
Stone-Manning's views on population control have also raised eyebrows. She argued in her graduate thesis that Americans need to engage in population control to protect the environment.
So far, the White House has stood by its embattled nominee.

for those who are outraged that fiden nominates a white OBLMatter terrorist - Please 'Read".

Nominee also rcommends "population control " - and fiden would be happy to have OBLM and Anti-fa terrorists 'thin the herd' of conservatives and caucasians. AOC and her 're-education camps' would be a perfect nominee to generate electricity from teh smokestacks.
Bernie and mad maxine waters will be so happy!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
quick search reveals she is a terrorist and has been a part of scandal after scandal. Perfect nominee for the socialists in charge
lustylad's Avatar
What the fuck is wrong with these morons in charge of staffing Biden's administration? Are they completely nuts? How would this lunatic not be screened out in the initial review process? This is like nominating Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn to run the FBI and the DOJ!

And the dipshits in Biden's White House still haven't withdrawn her nomination??? She is a fucking terrorist, an embarrassment to the left, and she doesn't have the votes anyway! What the fuck are they waiting for???
lustylad's Avatar
Biden’s Monkeywrencher

The disturbing story of nominee Tracy Stone-Manning and Earth First!

By Kimberley A. Strassel
July 8, 2021 6:38 pm ET

“P.S. You bastards go in there anyway and a lot of people could get hurt.”

Thus reads a note sent in 1989 to the U.S. Forest Service by Tracy Stone-Manning, now President Biden’s nominee to run the Bureau of Land Management.

Presidents are generally entitled to personnel picks. An exception might be a nominee who ran with eco-terrorists—who collaborated with Earth First! saboteurs, known for spiking trees to halt timber sales, and who misled senators about the nature of her involvement.

Mr. Biden put Ms. Stone-Manning forward in April, and she isn’t new to politics. The environmental radical has worked for Sen. Jon Tester and former Gov. Steve Bullock of Montana, and more recently at the National Wildlife Federation. She’s spent a lifetime protesting fossil-fuel production, logging, mining and public access to federal land.

The Earth First! story also isn’t new, though over the years Ms. Stone-Manning crafted a heroic version. In that tale, told in various forums over the years, she was an innocent graduate student at the University of Montana in Missoula. In 1989, a “frankly, frightening” and “disturbed person” from Earth First! asked her to mail a warning letter about tree spiking, which is designed to kill or maim loggers and mill workers. She agreed, because “she didn’t want anybody getting hurt.” In 1993 she nobly testified against the spikers, helping send two to prison. A Biden official said that Ms. Stone-Manning has always been “honest and transparent” about her history.

Hardly. Public documents obtained by the Journal tell the real story. According to that 1993 court transcript, Ms. Stone-Manning arrived in Missoula in 1988 and immediately moved into a house occupied by Earth First! members. This was the height of the wilderness wars, and Earth First! had by the mid-1980s defined itself as the tip of the fanatical spear. Its modus operandi was violence and terror, or what it called “monkeywrenching”—spectacular arsons, equipment destruction, and most notably the deadly practice of tree spiking.

She acknowledged in testimony that she helped edit an Earth First! newsletter. One 1989 edition highlighted an article entitled “Who Are the Real Terrorists?” It praises “the fine art of tree spiking.” In testimony, Ms. Stone-Manning described the men who were ultimately convicted of spiking as co-inhabitants of her house as well as “friends.”

One, John Blount (later convicted), in the spring of 1989 asked her to send a letter to the Forest Service. The letter explained that “five hundred pounds of spikes measuring 8 to 10 inches” had been laced through Idaho trees, and warned that anyone seeking to fell them would get “hurt.” Rather than alert authorities, Ms. Stone-Manning rented a typewriter and retyped it, explaining in a later interview that she worried her “fingerprints were all over the original.” She mailed it.

The Missoulian reported that in fall 1989 “prosecutors subpoenaed seven Missoula residents, including Stone-Manning, to appear before a grand jury to provide physical evidence, including handwriting and hair samples.” Yet a former federal law-enforcement agent who investigated the 1989 spiking recently told E&E news she stonewalled the investigation, setting it back years. According to the article, only after Mr. Blount’s common-law wife ratted him out was Ms. Stone-Manning’s role exposed, and then she traded testimony for immunity. “The only reasons that Tracy Stone-Manning became a cooperator, if you want to call it that, is because she was caught,” the former agent told E&E.

So here’s the real story: The Biden nominee, as an adult, joined an organization that openly perpetrated violence—tactics that led to real harm, as with a California sawmill worker whose face was ravaged in 1987 when a blade shattered on a spike. Ms. Stone-Manning was made aware of an act of eco-terrorism, aided the perpetrators, and hid the crime. Why would Mr. Biden reward this behavior by putting her in charge of 247 million acres of public land?

The “honest and transparent” Ms. Stone-Manning also wasn’t straight in her Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee questionnaire. She at one point declared that she had “never been the target of [a federal] investigation.” This despite complaining in a 1990 Spokesman-Review article about being targeted in the FBI probe, as well as giving a 1993 interview to the Missoulian, which reported: “Stone-Manning said she could have been charged with conspiracy” if not for her immunity deal. (The BLM didn’t respond to a request for comment from Ms. Stone-Manning.)

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, ranking member of the Energy Committee, is leading Republicans in demanding the withdrawal of her nomination, stating that she was “intentionally trying to deceive” the committee. The nominee has proved too much even for Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski. And Barack Obama’s first BLM director, Bob Abbey, last month said her history “should disqualify her” from the job.

The Biden team is so far sticking by its monkeywrencher, so the question will be decided by Senate Democrats, including Energy Committee Chairman Joe Manchin. It’s bad enough to rubber-stamp radicals. There should be no room in the federal government for those who dabbled with terrorists.
lustylad's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2021, 11:47 AM
What the fuck is wrong with these morons in charge of staffing Biden's administration? Are they completely nuts? How would this lunatic not be screened out in the initial review process? This is like nominating Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn to run the FBI and the DOJ!

And the dipshits in Biden's White House still haven't withdrawn her nomination??? She is a fucking terrorist, an embarrassment to the left, and she doesn't have the votes anyway! What the fuck are they waiting for??? Originally Posted by lustylad

LL - I respect your knowledge of history. Unfortunately - Ayers and Dohrn - their actions and idiotology - are totally lost on fascist DPST's intent on re-creating in america the same terroism as Ayers and Dohrn , and who reject history as racist.
Ripmany's Avatar
Man to many post.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
why is biden nominating someone from a home grown terror group, ELF. although, she played what looks to be a minor/major support role in it, this should be a qualified no-qualifier.