investigating trump is backfiring

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Proof that investigating Trump is starting to backfire for Democrats

...Comey fibbed when he said his agents unanimously agreed that prosecution was unnecessary. In fact, my source says that FBI agents were irate about the decision not to go after Clinton

The controversy got pretty intense, which may be why Comey forced agents who worked on the Clinton matter to sign additional nondisclosure agreements.

There was another important development last week when a federal judge ordered the FBI to disclose more details about how it handled the Clinton investigation. That could put Comey in a hotter spot than he’s already in.

...any investigation of Trump was likely to backfire when investigators started to look at the Democrats and their dealings.

And that’s exactly what is starting to happen.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It makes no difference what you think the democrats did. It doesn't let trump off because you think it's worse. Congress/DOJ decides who gets investigated. Republicans are in charge and they're investigating trump. It looks like all the Clinton investigations backfired. New stuff comes out about trump every week. Flat out lied about trump tower wiretapping and is still lying at a 70% rate.
You squeal about disputed statements while ignoring proven trump lies. How can you worry about Clinton while ignoring the current president is full of shit?
Proof that investigating Trump is starting to backfire for Democrats

...Comey fibbed when he said his agents unanimously agreed that prosecution was unnecessary. In fact, my source says that FBI agents were irate about the decision not to go after Clinton

The controversy got pretty intense, which may be why Comey forced agents who worked on the Clinton matter to sign additional nondisclosure agreements.

There was another important development last week when a federal judge ordered the FBI to disclose more details about how it handled the Clinton investigation. That could put Comey in a hotter spot than he’s already in.

...any investigation of Trump was likely to backfire when investigators started to look at the Democrats and their dealings.

And that’s exactly what is starting to happen. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
LexusLover's Avatar
[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]It makes no difference what you think the democrats did. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Nor does it make any difference what YOU THINK Trump did.

And that's about all the Liberal-Nazis have right now!

So why don't we quit being afraid of junk of iron and concrete sitting around, being scared shitless of ghosts, and struggling to fabricate some justification to have a "redo" on the election of 2016, and get on with the positive, productive business of cleaning up the fucked up mess over which this yo-yo presided for 8 years ....
New stuff comes out about trump every week.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
New innuendo and speculation comes out about Trump every week.

Two weeks later, it dies on the vine because that's what it all is, innuendo and speculation............and wishful thinking.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Anyone who thinks the dimretards are safe from the Mueller investigations is a fool.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Twitler and the Turd Reich is a criminal enterprise empowered by a frustrated, ill-informed mob that would rather eat shit than wait for dinner.

Yum yum!
New innuendo and speculation comes out about Trump every week.

Two weeks later, it dies on the vine because that's what it all is, innuendo and speculation............and wishful thinking. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And unlike the PROOF we saw with Clinton, it seems those on the left going after trump feel they don't NEED evidence to demonize him..
bamscram's Avatar
Even faux thinks there is an investigation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pics? Originally Posted by TryWeakly

tandyscone's Avatar
After reading the article, I'm still trying to figure out how it's backfiring on the Dems. It makes Comey look bad, sure, but the Dems are already mad at him because of his announcement just before the election. If you're thinking that the information may make the FBI reopen the investigation, I don't see why. Trump is the president. He said during the campaign that he would put Hillary behind bars. (And people think Comey jumped the gun when he drafted a statement just a couple of months before the investigation concluded. Trump made his conclusion before he had even seen any of the real evidence.) The FBI still has all the evidence, Trump could just tell them to turn it over to the DoJ and let the prosecutors file charges. If the contents of the deleted emails are important, Trump could have the NSA turn them over to the DoJ. All this could happen whether Trump is being investigated or not.

...Comey fibbed when he said his agents unanimously agreed that prosecution was unnecessary. In fact, my source says that FBI agents were irate about the decision not to go after Clinton
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Is it possible that the agents who were irate were the same ones who were cracking jokes about seeing Hillary in handcuffs before the investigation even began?

I also found a couple of other statements in the article interesting.

Numerous reports coming out of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week said that former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer Clinton for prosecution long before he even interviewed key witnesses, including Hillary.
Actually, the reports say that he wrote and circulated a draft not to refer her for prosecution, not that he made the decision.

Clinton’s emails, which were stolen by the Russians, have never been found.
He's talking here about the emails on her server that she deleted. I could find no reports, however, that the server was ever compromised or that the Russians stole them. What I did find was that Peter W. Smith, described as a long-time Republican operative who had been going after the Clintons since Troopergate, was convinced that the emails had been stolen by the Russians and was seeking to get them. He approached several cyber-security experts with emails that "hackers" had claimed were the deleted emails. He was trying to verify their authenticity. None of the experts would touch it. Smith was not confident enough of their authenticity to release them himself. So he reportedly gave them to WikiLeaks, which has not published them to date.

Now, I believe that Smith was dealing with scammers, not hackers, and the whatever he had was fake. If it was authentic, however, it seems to me that the whole thing could more easily hurt the Republicans than the Democrats. Smith implied that he was working with the Trump campaign, so if the emails were legitimate the public could see it as proof that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Why would you think that I implied or said it did matter what I think?
Why do you pretend your opinion or your ignorance gives you inside information on the status of the investigation?
Why would someone as insignificant and unEVENTFUL as yourself expect to be kept in the loop as to what evidence exists?

All of those questions have the same answer. Because you are a douche-bag.

I haven't claimed trump has committed any crime. You continue to claim there are no grounds for an investigation.
To sum up, my opinion is to stay out of the way and wait to see what the investigation uncovers.

Your opinion shows your lack of understanding of the general processes involved here. If charges are filed, evidence needs to be presented to get an indictment or whatever avenue they are pursuing. That will be the soonest they are obligated to show any evidence
Your claim there is no evidence is nothing more than a loud mouth guess and a pompous declaration of ignorance.

And not content to leave it alone, you ignore the fact that nazis are right wing.
Another case of facts proving you are not at all familiar with them.

Nor does it make any difference what YOU THINK Trump did.

And that's about all the Liberal-Nazis have right now!

So why don't we quit being afraid of junk of iron and concrete sitting around, being scared shitless of ghosts, and struggling to fabricate some justification to have a "redo" on the election of 2016, and get on with the positive, productive business of cleaning up the fucked up mess over which this yo-yo presided for 8 years .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Actually, the reports say that he wrote and circulated a draft not to refer her for prosecution, not that he made the decision. . Originally Posted by tandyscone
And why would he write the draft if his mind wasn't already made up?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
munchie, nazis are left wing. its abreviation for national socialists.
tandyscone's Avatar
And why would he write the draft if his mind wasn't already made up? Originally Posted by garhkal
I don't know, but then again, I know next to nothing about the internal workings of the FBI or about how Comey typically acted. Some reports say that he regularly drafted statements and circulated them among senior staff. Does that indicate that he was deciding on the outcome of investigations ahead of time and was trying to influence the actual investigation, or just that he wanted to be prepared to move quickly by drafting things in advance? As far as I can tell, that information is not available to the public, so for a columnist to decide what was in Comey's mind is speculation, not fact.
At this point, I am not willing to defend Comey, but I also haven't seen enough credible information to condemn him either.
tandyscone's Avatar
munchie, nazis are left wing. its abreviation for national socialists. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Right, and North Korea is actually a democracy because their official name is Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.