Escort friend assaulted


Sorry if this isn’t the right place, a friend of mine has just started escorting and a customer drugged her and attempted to assault her. She got away and has a photo of the guys license plate. I was wondering how escorts deal with things like this? She doesn’t want to go to the police for fear of exposing her life to community, friends, etc. is there anything she can do? Any advice would be appreciated.

Sorry if this isn’t the right place, a friend of mine has just started escorting and a customer drugged her and attempted to assault her. She got away and has a photo of the guys license plate. I was wondering how escorts deal with things like this? She doesn’t want to go to the police for fear of exposing her life to community, friends, etc. is there anything she can do? Any advice would be appreciated. Originally Posted by Franconia
I honestly dont know the best way to handle someting like this. I think it depends on your comfort level regarding risk and return. Seems like options are:
1) go to police.
2) hunt down his name and address through the plate number and even the score somehow (my favorite). There are many ways to even the score. I am not sure if I can legally post them hear.
I will PM you the list if you like. LMK...
Sincerely, I am really sorry this happened to your friend. : (
She, like us, needs to learn from her mistakes so they never happen again. This is a risky business for all parties involved. Perhaps she can better screen future Johns...have them (us) provide references, etc. And, as many of us Johns know, we go with the trusted and reviewed providers; I'm assuming she can do kind of the same thing, but a reverse lookup of us Johns.
The whole being drugged thing is absolutely disgusting. However, it shows that you can't trust anyone with your drink (alcoholic or non-) in these types of situations.

I am not suggesting to play dirty pool, and have her attempt to fuck this guy over by retaliating. It could come back to bite her in the ass, or worse. You just never know.

I'm sorry this happened.
TreeBark's Avatar
Remember, two sides to every story
3 sides
And then a mod will issue points based on none of the stories....
sin.di.vine's Avatar
I am also very sorry for this happening to your friend...
I also have a friend that was assaulted and drugged .. and traumatized..

This is not the time to tell her what she should have done or should not have done but my friend contacted a crisis hotline who is helping her with some counseling and they are more inclined to listen to your friend ..

Pm me for specific details..
Dudes that do that need to be taken care of with a shovel, a shallow hole and a pack of coyotes