Any intel on Tessa

Does anyone have intel on this one?
Been thinking about reaching out
Hmmm, she says in the ad that she'll be back Feb. 29. That would be 2024! That's a long wait, vegas. Just having some fun here! But she does look interesting.
I thought that too. Lol. Might give it a whirl.
Used to go by Tareesa, visited here pretty often. I think those pictures are pretty old. And I think she has been claiming to be in her 40s for at least a decade now.
I saw her a while back and had a good time. Been thinking about seeing her again.
Im ok with the mature providers.
Red, how long ago is a while back?
I think about two years ago. I have been in touch with her a few times. Was not a yantra visit, but good at the time. Pictures were a little old then, but she was friendly and fun.
There seems to be some drama going on with her on stg
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I think I remember drama around her the last time she came through. Begs the question if she's not easy to deal with, or a guy with a grudge and too much time.
After research i am guessing the latter of the 2.