Are you willing to allow corporations to filter your internet?

Currently going before congress is a bill to filter what sites citizens can access within US borders. S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act is intended to quell piracy and illegal downloading, but what it may be doing is allowing corporations to shut down access to websites they deem 'unfit' or 'inappropriate.' Now it's one thing for certain websites to be blocked from work or a public library. But from your own home? I think its too far and its opening the gate to allow much stricter internet control by the government. I just came across the website aimed at asking local representatives to vote against the bill.

What is your take on the bill and how it can ultimately affect the internet?
Glad someone posted about this. SOPA is corporate legislation gone too far.
pyramider's Avatar
They can all kiss my ass, especially after I eat TexMex three days in a row.
Corporations indeed have too much control over our lives.


but on the other hand, piracy needs to be curtailed; but by law enforcement.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-20-2011, 11:28 PM
Lots of corporations, including the one who is my employer, already have filters in place on their networks. Since they own them they can run them as they see fit.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Since they own them they can run them as they see fit. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Kinda like Eccie!
Lots of corporations, including the one who is my employer, already have filters in place on their networks. Since they own them they can run them as they see fit. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Work filters are very different than gov't endorsed filters at home.
Work filters are very different than gov't endorsed filters at home. Originally Posted by sketchball82
And government seizure of private websites. That's why Google and Facebook signed the petition, fear of having their sites shut down.
Yes, this act is going to allow government filtering in the HOME it's 100% understandable at school or at work, but at home it's a total invasion of privacy. Yes piracy should be handled, but this is NOT the way to go about doing it.
tia travels's Avatar
They can all kiss my ass, especially after I eat TexMex three days in a row. Originally Posted by pyramider

What if they can't wait 3 days in a row...what other option do you offer? LOL One and a half days with Thai Food? Or 6 hours after a Hot Dog eating contest? What if you eat TexMex for TWO days, but then skip a day and have it again on the fourth. Can they STILL kiss your ass??? LOLOLOL

I just watched that video link....interesting. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
pyramider's Avatar
For you Tia, and only you, texmex two days and then skip a day and on the fourth day the government and corporations can all kiss my ass.