TER- problems, problems and more ....

I recently decided to join ter and I'm wondering am I the only one having issues. Everyone has a name they use as a provider but when you join the site they want you to use a username and then all the sudden they warn you not to have two accounts. WTF. Then when you contact customer care they give you the run around. Am I the only one having problems or should I just give up on this site? Any suggestions?
pyramider's Avatar
Deep breathing and posting taint will ease your feelings of unrest. TER is not known to be responsive to questions.
joesmo888's Avatar
I really don't get their setup either. pretty lame.

i like eccie much better
Guest042715's Avatar
I stopped using them when they tried to penalize for being on Eccie.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm not overly fond of the site but it'll get you business and so it's worth the bother of it.

Since I've been on it, it's gone from not answering a single damn question that I used to write in and ask (they have a harsh reputation towards fat girls but that seems to be improving since the past owner went to prison), to being slightly better.

The bottom line question to ask yourself is will it help your business? There are cities that are strong TER cities compared to Eccie, which is really strong in Texas. And Eccie is also VERY strong in Kansas City as well.

It might be a pain in the ass site, but it has reviews and men look at it. Whenever I get a new review posted on that site, which is rare but it happens, I'll generally get a few new appointments from it.

Perseverance is the only advice that I have for you. It took me YEARS to get into the ladies-only area. Sigh.

With any site, when deciding whether or not to invest the time there, you just have to weigh the pros and cons. I don't have any magic pieces of advice.
Still Looking's Avatar
Ter sucks Dick!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ter sucks Dick! Originally Posted by Still Looking
No No, SL. I hear often how great they are and how Eccie sucks dick. Of course thats always some pissed off Provider saying it. That was LR and N4U favorite saying back in the day. LOL!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I miss the coven LOL
pyramider's Avatar
But miss LR and Naomi ...
Still Looking's Avatar
No No, SL. I hear often how great they are and how Eccie sucks dick. Of course thats always some pissed off Provider saying it. That was LR and N4U favorite saying back in the day. LOL! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
LOL But they didn't thinck they were hookers? I miss those two bat shit crazy bitches!
Still Looking's Avatar
But miss LR and Naomi ... Originally Posted by pyramider
Talking to those two about anything was like asking the Octo-mom about birth control. It just didn't make sense!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
No No, SL. I hear often how great they are and how Eccie sucks dick. Of course thats always some pissed off Provider saying it. That was LR and N4U favorite saying back in the day. LOL! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
TER is not all great or all bad. It's just another site to navigate. There have been times where I've enjoyed participating on the site.

Eccie is my home. And it's home to a lot of folks who just adore participating on this board.

But TER has it's charm as well. Gosh. Such a tough crowd here!

There are ladies who make their bread and butter on TER just like there are ladies who live and breath and survive by being on Eccie. For no other reason, we should be accepting of both places.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-21-2013, 09:04 AM
TER is not all great or all bad. It's just another site to navigate. There have been times where I've enjoyed participating on the site.
I would say there are a lot of times it is useful, especially in parts of the country that are sparsely covered here.

Eccie is my home. And it's home to a lot of folks who just adore participating on this board.
I have found some folks there I enjoy exchanging ideas with, but a significantly larger number here--so I spend a lot more time here.

But TER has it's charm as well. Gosh. Such a tough crowd here!

There are ladies who make their bread and butter on TER just like there are ladies who live and breath and survive by being on Eccie. For no other reason, we should be accepting of both places. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Completely agree--it need not be an either/or. I use TER as a tool, but when I am looking to just chill, this fits my needs far better as a community. One should always have more than one tool in the tool box.

Biggest advantage there:
--Wider coverage area
--Better search function

Better advantages:
--The general make-up of the people
--Better mod response, especially from folks like Chica
--The civil conversations here and the inherently bellicose ones tend to separate on different boards; over there they are merged and it's harder to avoid the "dominant" personalities who can be very close minded but loud
Cpalmson's Avatar
LR is still around. She is actually almost my neighbor.

As for TER, like any other site, it is a resource. How one uses it is up to the individual. Unless a provider has a no review policy, I post reviews on TER as well as here.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
LR is still around. She is actually almost my neighbor..... Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Does that knowledge provide any personal comfort knowing that she is in such close approximate to you?