Bp Sued or not?

Monsterstx's Avatar
ben dover's Avatar
Well that was very well done. Although i'm part of this "Hobby" i'm totally against pimps, underage girls and anyone that forces girls, women into this not of their free will. If Backpage is editing ads that they know could lead to underage or trafficked girls then they should be punished. I have no sympathy for the assholes that get caught in stings looking for younger girls. BD
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
That's the scary part of the hobby, I'm sure a lot of ladies who's ad says independent aren't. I'm sure pimps post a lot of the ads and are trapping women who have drug addictions. They may be having sex willingly but are not really wanting to do that but feel it's their only option. Whether we want to admit it or not the hobbyists are part of the problem. Women will always sell sex and men will always buy sex is what we tell ourselves to make it seem less wrong. There are many women who also enjoy what they are doing and like getting compensated for it as well which is where I think making it legal would benefit everyone. It could be out in the open in nice established places like a hobby bed and breakfast where if you want to work from your hobby home you could or brothel. If you are a man paying escorts long enough I'm sure we have paid an unwilling participant. I'm sure I'll get some backlash about this comment but I feel it's the truth that we won't admit to ourselves. We just really need to take precautions the best we can to avoid "donating for time if the time isn't completely consentual between two adults"
BP has been deliberately editing adds to remove words like, "younger girl" knowing very well that this is a key word for child rape. They know they can make a few dollars more by purposefully keeping these adds up.
CEO Carl Ferrer is a creep and enjoys the money he gets from being a pimp.
1st amendment rights? - bullshit. You do not have a 1st amen' right to exploit children.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Very sad that this does happen... More often then most realize...
Some people are just sick...