I am sorry

To those who have gotten emails from whoever is sending them, I truly apologize from the bottom of my heart. I am not the type of person to cause chaos or want to be involved in it. I am also sorry to the providers that i have not seen eye to eye with. i have talked to several people snd i asuure everyone i have turned over a new leaf. I do not want any conflict with anyone so i am so so sorry for all of this. Please forgive me I really have enjoyed being a part of this wonderful community and hope yall can find it in your hearts to look past everything that has gone on and give me another chance to redeem myself. It will not be a mistake. Again I am truly sorry for everything and i am begging for yalls forgiveness. At this point i can say nothing else except please give me another chance.
Does that mean your not leaving Texas ? You haven't done anything to me, so I hope you get your chance. And if you do I hope you use it well. Good Luck.
I will be leaving Texas for a little bit in May for a family affair but will be back. And I will definitely not take advantage of a second chance. I will work my hardest to prove myself to people that Iam not the same person.
I pray i get another chance to make things right
What the heck happened that was so upsetting to others? Surely not a few emails would make people THAT upset. But who knows, people tend to blow things out of proportion. As far as "not seeing eye to eye w. Other providers" goes, that's just life. People will always disagree. Just do what's best for YOU. Don't sweat it. I'm sure you'll be fine, sweetie.
i really don't honestly know what actually happened. but it created chaos and that's the last thing i wanted to happen. Hence why i am apologizing. I know not getting along with people is part of life but i like to be liked by everyone. It made me sad to see how many people were against me. I thank you for your support and hopefully one day the ones that do see i am not a bad person will come see me. Until then again I am so sorry.
Eraserman's Avatar
I'm glad you decided to do this. I hope it means a new start. Time will tell, the key word being time. Things don't change overnight to the bad or the good.

I can't help but notice this thread has a radically different tone and syntax than the controversial ones. Seems something has changed.
I am trying to change my life and I am starting by trying to right all my wrong doings. Someone very wise told me that in order to do that I have to be sincere about my apology and I waited til i knew what to say. I haven't changed over night either and i just thought maybe by doing this people will think about giving me another chance to show them i have changed. I don't want anymore trouble and I pray everyday i get my chance.
sixxbach's Avatar
I am going to stick my neck out on this one and say that Coleen should get a chance. No one here in life and especially hobbyland is perfect and without a flaw. Goodness knows I am flawed. We all fuck up from time to time. If you don't want to see her, don't. There are plenty of other providers who have done some things in the past that have had to rebuild themselves. Some are well protected byt their WK crew.

Before, I get the WK thrown back at me, I am not a customer of Coleen and unless she adds CIMNQNS to her menu, won't be

Thank you Sixx I know I haven't been perfect and I truly appreciate your suppost on this matter. Hopefully other support me the same way.
One day maybe my menu will change to your liking
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
I've never met Coleen but her apology sounds sincere and I totally agree she needs to be given a second chance. I'm guessing the guys that see her now will have a great time as she proves she can "walk the walk" as well. Good luck Coleen....I hope your are successful.
harkontume's Avatar
I didn't follow this soap opera. But this much is confusing.
If a monger wants to give a "second chance" then just schedule and write a review.
What good purpose does it serve to exhort others to do so?
Well 1st off some have never seen her to give her a second chance, doesn't mean that she shouldn't get one. Then people still have their types, for example I'm 5/6 and she's 5/10, still doesn't mean I wouldn't give her a chance. And then there is possibly financial reasons and maybe you're not seeing anybody till payday. Still doesn't mean she shouldn't get the chance. So maybe some will when they can. Just trying to show her some support in her effort.
The good thing about this hobby is that if the menu is right and price is reasonable someone will give you a chance. Then it is up to you. Do this a few times and you will recover your reputation.

I wish you luck Coleen.