Paying for premium access

I tried to pay for premium access to ECCIE, but ccbill refused my pre-paid Visa card. I won't use my personal credit card to buy access to hobby sites.
I'd like to join ECCIE, any advice?
  • hd
  • 01-04-2013, 02:00 PM
see a provider and do a review, if and once approved you'll have 6 weeks of PA.

Myself, I will see a provider at least every six weeks and review. I'd rather spend my money on one of the ladies over just paying for the access.

Of course if you just want to read and not indulge in the hobby, then get on the "Questions for the Staff" forum and post your question there about making a payment.
The staff will give you an address to send a money order to if you prefer to stay as anonymous as possible. You have to pay for at least a year if you go that route.
I'm with HD... Have a little fun and post a Review with a reasonable amount of detail in the ROS... Once approved, your good for 6 weeks.