New Provider/Hobbyist Guides or Stickys

thechocolatebanana's Avatar
I don't consider myself a 'hardcore' hobbyist. In fact getting 'hard' is getting a bit harder to do. But I enjoy the forum as a whole. Can't say I haven't made some mistakes, had some blunders along the way. For that I am sorry. In spite of my permanent chocolate coating, there's a white knight/Sav-A-Ho warrior inside, well maybe not a warrior, say a waterboy but anyway at times he comes to the surface. And the last month or so the number of alerts, scams, silly nonsense threADs, the name calling, accusations, and hostility exchanged back and forth between persons here... really got to me.

I don't normally PM the new ladies with other than a 'Hello.. welcome' or quick flirt and that's that, but a couple got my attention. It was interesting to hear from them the common fact that they admitted just how overwhelming it was to get bombarded with calls, texts, and emails with questions, offers, promises, etc. How does a little 18 or 20 year old handle her sudden fame even if it's just the glow of being 'flavor of the month'? On the opposite side of things, where does a newbie guy find out what he needs to know to get off on the right track and avoid making his first post an alert that he got ripped off? I mean Escort Client Community Information Exchange - Escort (the ladies ((guys?)), Client (the fellows ((ladies)) Community - a social unit of any size that shares the same values Information - that which informs Exchange - to give something or receive something in return. Some of you might say, just read, research, ask questions, but wouldn't it be easier and better if there was a ready place they could go with at least a basic outline for them?

The PMs with the ladies were the final thing that pushed me to try something. I sent a very frank and open letter to 16 providers the other day. Maybe it was wishful thinking in hoping it would stir some interest to start a 'guide' or sticky for new providers. Perhaps a general hobbyist guide as well. The AMPs Forum at least has a 'What to Expect..' type sticky which outlines a number of do's and don'ts to help guys on their first visit and it is excellent. Maybe it's wishful thinking even making this now, but nothing happens without effort, without someone dropping their ego to come forth and just be real. I don't know how much info is already out 'there' or here that might be for ladies only. I don't have all the answers, but I do have some hope and belief that this board could be a lot more fun, a lot safer and a lot better for everyone.

I was depressed a bit at first today and then angry, ready to come on and post in blast mode. That would have been wrong and in closing, I'm leaving you with this song that came up on my playlist while I was driving thinking about things today. It was so appropriate I had to laugh at my 'righteous' indignation at first, then just let the words soak in and realize the depth of what they convey. If nothing else, I hope you enjoy it and maybe it will soothe you for at least the weekend.

What Goes Around

Most of the lyrics below:

…After everything
that we’ve been through
I finally know the truth….

What goes around
Comes around
And will come back to you…
And how you treat your brother man
Will pay you back in full
And for every seed you will sow.
I just that you should know…

Life ain’t always fair I know
But I’m over that it’s okay yeah
But all the goodness and all the grace
Could not lead me to this day
And I wish you love and life my friend
Because I know in the end

That what goes around
Comes around
And will come back to you…
And how you treat your sister friend
Will pay you back in full
And for every seed that you must sow.
I just that you should know…

Call it what you want to
But a rose by any other name
Is still that flower just the same
Take anything you need to…anything
But don’t make believe that the world
is how you see…

What goes around
Comes around
And will come back to you
And how you treat your fellow man
Will pay you back in full
And for every seed you will sow.
I just thought you ought to know….

They say what goes around
Comes around…
and I believe what they say
what goes around
comes around
what goes around
comes around
And they say what goes up
Must come down
You can call it what you want to
But it’s gonna come right back on you
You can call it what you want to
What goes around
Comes around…..
You can cal it what you want to
But what goes around
Comes around….
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Sorry, can't resist:

Every now and then, I run across someone I think might be a potential candidate for the P4P world. Even if I were to approach them, I think, "Then what?" IOW, how do they get all the requisite information to get started, and then, succeed? I could refer them to ECCIE, but the same questions would pop up over and over, and you'd have the same bunch of guys trying to score the newbie for $100.

It'd be the next best thing to Bella and Nevaeh opening a training academy.
pmdelites's Avatar
... Some of you might say, just read, research, ask questions, but wouldn't it be easier and better if there was a ready place they could go with at least a basic outline for them?

... Maybe it was wishful thinking in hoping it would stir some interest to start a 'guide' or sticky for new providers. Perhaps a general hobbyist guide as well. ... Maybe it's wishful thinking even making this now, ... I don't know how much info is already out 'there' or here that might be for ladies only. I don't have all the answers, but I do have some hope and belief that this board could be a lot more fun, a lot safer and a lot better for everyone. Originally Posted by thechocolatebanana
banana, are you asking for a primer for providers, a primer for clients, or both?

well, if you wanna take it upon yourself to write down your guide for guys, have at it.
wrt a guide for providers - i wouldnt touch that with a 10' pole, anyone's 10' pole.

think about what the adult sex industry was like 100, 50, 10, much less 5 yrs ago!! now a days, the internet provides a wealth of information on just about everything.

i do share info and relate some of my experiences. however, anyone who enters this sub-culture does so at their own risk. if they want to have fun and be safe, i believe it is up to them to figure it out, make mistakes, and continue on. or get out while the going is good.

besides, there's only so much hand holding of newbies we can do :^)
and if we did that, how would they learn? :^)
[i keep telling my grandkids something similar to that when they ask "grampa, just tell me the answer!!"

last week, i showed my granddaughter how to find answers on google using key words from the history review sheet questions. she completed the last half of the sheet in less time that it would have taken me to help her! now on to math :^( ]
Here is the problem - we are not all alike.

I could give the reasons why I have been successful, but they won't apply to everyone.
Some are anti a revolving door, others love it.
Some screen, others don't.
The list goes on.

You have to do what works for you.

Some people do this for the thrill, so.. It would be pointless to tell them to not find a girl off of BP and just go on over. Some have very minimal time and are super discreet and can come and go without making a scene, but I just don't want the heavy traffic. This lifestyle is all over the place so there is no right and wrong.

There is a basic 101, but most people know it.. They just choose to ignore it.
Prime Time's Avatar
I only see providers who serve fried chicken during their sessions.
Thank you for including me among the 16 to whom you sent your beautiful letter.

I assumed it was a mass email so didn't respond.
If I'd known it was just to a select group, I would have responded.

We actually HAVE the information for new providers in a private forum called Provider 101. An introductory class
I only see providers who serve fried chicken during their sessions. Originally Posted by Prime Time
Don't forget the cold budlight
I only see providers who serve fried chicken during their sessions. Originally Posted by Prime Time

thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Those who were on target with the thread, thank you. A first draft is up and hopefully I'll get some feedback from the editor when he has time. I won't say who it is yet since a PM was sent to me. But it was great to wake up yesterday and find that PM from him saying he was game to give it a shot.

His views are shared by me and some of you: there will be critics no doubt and opinions will vary as to what could/should be included. That's okay. I'm not believing that posting SOME sort of tip sheet guide whatever is worse than nothing. Already after submitting the rough draft, I thought back over it and realize more attention to the AMPs and Studios should be made as an option for new hobbyists. So it's a work in progress. I will take your feedback into consideration.

Thanks again.