10 point infraction

eccie is too strict

Using a word like {staff edit-ck} in ROS is against rules
You just did it again.
So now you’ve got 20, only 5 to go.
It’s in the guidelines, no references to illegal substances.

#14 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
Yea eccies guidelines are freaking stupid. I wonder how many points treetop got. Probably none. He should be banned by now. His whole post yesterday is against guideline rules. And nothing as y’all see. This site is becoming shittier. Like I said welcome to the new improved eccie. NOT!!!!
Thank you for your helpful advice
Treetop78759's Avatar
I made a similar reference at the beginning of this year and also got hit with 10 points. I whined to Z but he didn't reverse them. Before you know it they will expire.

There are some people that constantly whine about the guidelines and infractions. The problem is not the guidelines but their inability to comprehend so much information. I would encourage them to read them every night before they go to sleep.

If you are still hesitant about something you want to post that might be pointed send it to a mod first. They will be more than happy to proof it first and let you know if any changes need to be made.

In all candor points are not issued because people don't like what is posted. Take for example my post from yesterday. I think it was reported 16 times but I wasn't pointed. People just wanted to throw a temper tantrum because they didn't like what they read.

Here is another example. Let's say that "someone" sent PMs out asking them to like yesterday's post on my thread written by the awesome Ms. V. (just a 'random" guess wink wink) Doing that is cheesy but it isn't worthy of a violation.

Don't get caught with your pants down!

Cheers and be safe.
Lmao that is the dumbest crap I’ve heard. People sending out pms to get more likes. I bet you are one of those that like their own post. Miss V got all the likes because she makes more sense than you ever will.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Lmao that is the dumbest crap I’ve heard. People sending out pms to get more likes. I bet you are one of those that like their own post. Miss V got all the likes because she makes more sense than you ever will. Originally Posted by SweetArielRae
Wanna bet?
I’ll let your twisted little mind think what ever. Lol. That’s hilarious
Oh wait let me send out pms so I can get more likes. Lmao
Treetop78759's Avatar
I didn't say Ms. V is the one who sent out the PMs.
winn dixie's Avatar
I likes SweetArielRae.........

Now run along Tree, Ms V will be along any moment and put you in your place again..
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Hey, I just got a PM asking me NOT to "like" certain posts!
winn dixie's Avatar
Hey, I just got a PM asking me NOT to "like" certain posts! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Could it be from a guy that stalks amps while eating donuts? Yeah I get those too. I discard them like used toilet paper....