Lets give them something to talk about.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Saw a movie the other day on video. Reflected problems in the US in the early 21st century. It was called "Company Men" with Tommy Lee Jones, Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper (of KC), and Kevin Costner.
A large ship building company is shutting down divisions because the economy is tanking (set about 2002). Thousands of lay offs and Affleck is one. 12 years of service and an MBA. He can't find a job, loses his house, and ends up working for his brother-in-law Costner hanging drywall. He survives. Cooper is a later layoff at the age of 60 years old. He dyes his hair, loses weight, and removes any mention of the date in his resume. He can't find a job. He commits suicide when he can't cover his daughter's tuition and the mortgage together. Mr. Jones is upset when he gets cut. The owner is his best friend and they put 30 years into this company. Eventually he takes control and starts his own shipbuilding company. Turns out the owner was looking at a takeover and buyout. All the layoffs increased the value of the company so he (Craig T. Nelson) could effectively retire with $600 million. Even Ben Affleck did a credible job as a smart guy that was blindsided by life.

Also saw "Momma Mia" this last weekend at the Starlight. Not bad but it was gawd awful hot. Maybe Xanadu will be better.

There, that ought to give some people something to talk about.
dirty dog's Avatar
Who cares
I would've liked to see Mamma Mia...Though I'm not really familiar with the show, it always seemed like it would be entertaining.
Glad you enjoyed it...
I've seen Rent(which was fantastic) and Wizard of Oz(Ok) there in the last couple of years...I will be seeing Janet in Aug as well...I hope the weather is not too bad!