No Wonder We Are a Country in Debt!

If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you get 12 yrs. hard labor. If you cross the Afghanistan border illegally, you get shot. If you cross the U.S. border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing & child benefits, education, & tax free business loan for 7 yrs. No wonder we are a country in debt!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
With unemployment in Mexico at 4.9% you should know that illegally crossing into Mexico gets you prison, fined, raped if you're a woman, robbed, and maybe murdered (and that is just the police).
Not sure what that has to do with the national debt... but keep this in mind... When the bank loans you $10,000 the bank owns you. When the bank loans you $10,000,000,000 you own the bank.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So (pay attention here) if the government loans the bank (car company, savings and loan, etc.) 1 trillion dollars then the bank owns the government?
Not if the government changes the rules that the bank has to abide by or by putting union people (or union supporting) in control of the company.
Can you imagine if a bank came into your life and changed your diet (we want you to live a long time so you can pay us back), your lifestyle (going on your hobby runs could get you divorced or worse and then you couldn't pay us back), or your job (that one was too dangerous).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Whatever happened to Longer, Catnip and the gang? Their responses to this would be so much fun! I miss the entertainment. Not saying you guys are dull. Well, maybe I am.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who cares what happened to them? Didn't I ask this same question a couple of weeks ago?
No, as long as me, myself, and I are here we can have a conversation.
Whatever happened to Longer, Catnip and the gang? Their responses to this would be so much fun! I miss the entertainment. Not saying you guys are dull. Well, maybe I am. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Longer (Lulz) will probably show up when they release him from the institution. Catnipdipper said "Good-bye" to these discussions a couple of weeks ago, apparently in frustration.
dirty dog's Avatar
Whatever happened to Longer, Catnip and the gang? Their responses to this would be so much fun! I miss the entertainment. Not saying you guys are dull. Well, maybe I am. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree COG, this place is dull and boring.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I agree COG, this place is dull and boring. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Are you kidding me? This place is still hilarious. Did you miss the post from John comparing himself to Churchill? Funniest thing I think I have ever read. John wouldn't even be the shit that Churchill scrapes off of his shoe. If that doesn't prove John's absolute batshit craziness, I don't know what does, well except for him referencing 710 as the source of proof that Obama sold out SEAL team 6. That John is one crazy-son-of-a-bitch. Keep posting John, your lunacy continues to crack me up. Although, it wouldn't surprise me if John ends up being like the other crazy guy in Arizona that shot Congresswoman Giffords as he does seem to have that sort of demeanor. This isn't some random thought by me either, see I was listening to 710 today....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First JD does stand for John but I understand you are delusional.
More lies KC??? I mentioned 710 AM as running a story about Seal Team Six and the exposure they had from the White House. I never, and 710 never, said that the White House "sold out" Seal Team Six. What they did was expose them to public scrutiny (see also terrorists) by attempting to bask in their glory. Or don't you remember Obama going around "spiking the football" for two weeks after the operation?

In fact (ever hear of the word serendipity) there is a show on the Discovery Channel about the killing of Bin Laden including the victory lap taken by the White House.

Funny, I don't remember comparing myself to Churchill and neither do you. What you read was that I always looked up to people who expressed themselves as well Winston Churchill. So I guess anyone who would like to dunk like Jordan is comparing themselves to Jordan. You compare yourself to John Holmes I hear. If only wishes were reality ehh KC?

I have to ask what these ad hominem attacks have to do with the national debt?

I'm not concerned about the other guys, we all know they are reading but probably too embarassed to reply so they did like Wisconsin democrats; they took their ball and went home.
dirty dog's Avatar
Are you kidding me? This place is still hilarious. Did you miss the post from John comparing himself to Churchill? Funniest thing I think I have ever read. John wouldn't even be the shit that Churchill scrapes off of his shoe. If that doesn't prove John's absolute batshit craziness, I don't know what does, well except for him referencing 710 as the source of proof that Obama sold out SEAL team 6. That John is one crazy-son-of-a-bitch. Keep posting John, your lunacy continues to crack me up. Although, it wouldn't surprise me if John ends up being like the other crazy guy in Arizona that shot Congresswoman Giffords as he does seem to have that sort of demeanor. This isn't some random thought by me either, see I was listening to 710 today.... Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
Well Papa thats just it, I have not been reading John's posts, I see enough lying and self bravado every day, no need to read it on my time off, but you got to admit without monger, wellendowed and a few others this has become the rambling of 1 right wing idiot.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Well Papa thats just it, I have not been reading John's posts, I see enough lying and self bravado every day, no need to read it on my time off, but you got to admit without monger, wellendowed and a few others this has become the rambling of 1 right wing idiot. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Can't you picture John at home polishing his guns and loading his ammo just waiting to go on that shooting spree he so dreams of in making him, in his eyes, a hero. That crazy bastard cracks me up. I bet he wasn't even listening to 710 when he got "confirmation" that Obama sold out SEAL team 6 in his crazy little eyes. I guarantee his crazy ass was "listening" to a radio wasn't even turned on. I am 100% sure what he was hearing were the voices in his schizophrenic mind. Did you at least get to read the post where he compared himself to Churchill? Pretty funny shit. Did you also see his last post? I think John has been hitting the sauce today, although most of his posts seem as if they were written by a guy in a little shack in Montana. Anyways, I heard on 710 that John has a full sized poster of Anders Behring Breivik in his bedroom and he kisses it before going to bed like a teenage girl. Must be true if it was on 710 AM.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Funny but now the world knows that KC is full of shit and I wonder which one you are; Cheaper or Catdip?

You would have more respect if you actually tried to argue. I left high school half a century ago but you haven't.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Funny but now the world knows that KC is full of shit and I wonder which one you are; Cheaper or Catdip?

You would have more respect if you actually tried to argue. I left high school half a century ago but you haven't. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Killer comeback.
dirty dog's Avatar
See what I mean papa, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ time.