Trumps big moment tonight, I am betting he fails miserably!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Trump will walk out to give his prime time speech tonight with his approval ratings low and sinking fast! The world will be watching and if he blows it tonight his presidency will be mortally wounded. My guess is he is so intent on dividing the country and making Putin happy it will be impossible for him to succeed and his presidency will be in a death spiral!
What, no link to Yahoo News this time?
LexusLover's Avatar
The Democrats have planned a walk out during his speech.
Trump will walk out to give his prime time speech tonight with his approval ratings low and sinking fast! The world will be watching and if he blows it tonight his presidency will be mortally wounded. My guess is he is so intent on dividing the country and making Putin happy it will be impossible for him to succeed and his presidency will be in a death spiral! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Of course he'll bomb out in the eyes of Liberals. Just the same Obama always bombed out in the eyes of Conservatives. That's how it goes when a country has been destroyed from within.

You know StandinInShit you could be exactly right ..... maybe Trump will make an ass of himself on national TV , the earth will orbit backwards and the sun won't come up tomorrow ..... the only ones who might be "mortally wounded" are the Democrats in the audience tonight that most likely won't have their jobs after the 2018 elections ..... more and more counties bleed red every day, the Democratic Party is brain dead and on life support .....
LexusLover's Avatar
What Trump says or doesn't say tonight means nothing in the scheme of things ahead. Those supporting him will like what he says and those against him won't. The pundits on both sides will spend their evening "mind reading" and trying to explain what he "really meant"! And by in the morning there will be a list of headlines on here about the comments he made and how dumb he is....blah, blah, blah.

In the meantime things need to get done in this country ... and all this blubbering, name-calling, and whining is wasting time.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Of course he'll bomb out in the eyes of Liberals. Just the same Obama always bombed out in the eyes of Conservatives. That's how it goes when a country has been destroyed from within.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Republicans want to make the rich wealthier at the expense of the middle class and poor.
Democrats want to make the poor and middle class wealthier at the expense of the rich.
It really comes down to would you rather be on the side of Robin Hood or the sheriff of Nottingham.
I believe the large majority of Americans if they understand this difference would vote democrat, humans by nature are liberal, only when they become greedy and self absorbed do they turn conservative.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Republicans want to make the rich wealthier at the expense of the middle class and poor.
Democrats want to make the poor and middle class wealthier at the expense of the rich.
It really comes down to would you rather be on the side of Robin Hood or the sheriff of Nottingham.
I believe the large majority of Americans if they understand this difference would vote democrat, humans by nature are liberal, only when they become greedy and self absorbed do they turn conservative.
Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Your stupid-ass is lying again, Stan-the-Stupid.

He will fail bigly
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump won't fail. He'll still be a billionaire.

The country may, but that will delight the Liberals.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Democrats have planned a walk out during his speech. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is that true?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He will fail bigly Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You know all about failing don't you Fatso...
You know all about failing don't you Fatso... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yep, LUBE failed to stand UP WIND of the honey buckets he burned from the field latrines whilst he was a " seArgent " !
Republicans want to make the rich wealthier at the expense of the middle class and poor.
Democrats want to make the poor and middle class wealthier at the expense of the rich.
It really comes down to would you rather be on the side of Robin Hood or the sheriff of Nottingham.
I believe the large majority of Americans if they understand this difference would vote democrat, humans by nature are liberal, only when they become greedy and self absorbed do they turn conservative. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Obama gave that pitch for eight years always giving the poor and the middle class this hope of having more wealth, better wages, better jobs and putting that burden on the backs of the wealthy by upping their taxes. Those same poor people who voted for Obama twice are still just as poor in 2017 as they were in 2008. I consider myself within the middle class. I have no expectations of any change in my current economic status because of the will of a politician. Politicians on all levels are pitchman. They can't win elections by catering to the wealthy alone, not enough of them to go around. They need to sell themselves and their program of change to the average person who can vote for them. The final analysis is they need poor, frustrated, unemployed people to sell themselves too. If everyone was wealthy and content they wouldn't have any power. So with that said don't expect big changes in people's live from political people. They aren't in the business of making people's lives better. They are in the business of making people think they'll make their lives better. Politics is the biggest show earth, that's all it is.

I just watched Chris Mathews on Hardball.

He ended his show with the announcement of his "all star panel" to critique President Trump's speech. They are.....

Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Kathy Griffin, and Rob Reiner.

How many more Counties will turn "Red" after that bunch gets through.?

They STILL don't get it.