
I love wine. Red first, Sparkling second and white a distance third. Anyone care to share their faves? I rarely buy anything over $30 and tend to stay in the $15-$20 range. However, a good champagne I will spend up to $50 on. Here are my some of my loves:
La Crema Pinot Noir:

Garnacha del Fuego (My new fave, and its only $12!):

WHITE WINE (not really a fan, but the few I like tend to be dry [Sauvignon Blanc]. Viognier is akin to chardonnay but without that awful buttery aftertaste)
Chateau Ste Michelle Sauvignon Blanc

Turnbull Viognier

(Amazing! This wine is dry like Sauvignon Blanc, but sparkling like champagne! And only $13! yay!)

Veuve Cliquot (any label is of this champagne is wonderful!)

So what about all of you? I'd love to hear about your faves. Unless, of course you drink white zinfandel. In that case, I don't want to hear about it. Or wine that comes in a box or gallon jug.

Texasquest's Avatar
When i buy Risque Champagne by Toad Hollow...by the case is that considered a box? Your right on with LaCrema's Pinot Noir also.I opened a Bottle last night..cant wait to get home to finish it..lol
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Ah. Wine, such a fine topic that one can talk for days on end. Kara, do you like local vineyards (based on your listed favorites, I believe you like the non-locals), or you prefer the imports. Looks like ones that you like are Cali-based.
  • Vyt
  • 02-17-2011, 03:20 PM
Port and riesling for me, please.

Yalumba Clocktower tawny port

Mosel Kabinett sweet riesling
Mature Companion's Avatar
Great topic!

I like my wine like I like my men. With a bite! Not too smooth, not too fruity.
Full bodied red wine!

There's far too many to name as I like variety. I enjoy wines with a unique labels.


Fat Bastard
http://www.fatbastardwine.com/our-wines.php (red & white) about the only white wine I enjoy.

Wicked Wines


My all time favorite wine: Louis Martini

Another favorite: The Left Bank- A South African wine with a hint of spice

Pian di Nova Toscana

There's some Chilean, Argentinian wines that I don't know the labels but have thoroughly enjoyed.
Ah. Wine, such a fine topic that one can talk for days on end. Kara, do you like local vineyards (based on your listed favorites, I believe you like the non-locals), or you prefer the imports. Looks like ones that you like are Cali-based. Originally Posted by deedeedoe62
I've been to Napa three springs in a row, so I have a bit of bias toward the California wineries. Although, the Garnacha I like is from Argentina, I think? I have to look that up, don't quote me on that! The only winery I have been to here is Messina Hof, and I actually really like their cab! It just isn't a fave.

@VYT: Riesling is just tooooo sweet for me! I'm already sweet enough!
deedeedoe62's Avatar
I've been to Napa three springs in a row, so I have a bit of bias toward the California wineries. Although, the Garnacha I like is from Argentina, I think? I have to look that up, don't quote me on that! The only winery I have been to here is Messina Hof, and I actually really like their cab! It just isn't a fave.
Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Thought you may have a bias towards the California wine-makers. Not a bad thing. I haven't been out to California wineries in years.

I've taken up the hobby of going to Texas Vineyards lately. My current favorite is Texas Hills Vineyard. I like their Cabs. They name theirs "Kick Butt Cab"
runswithscissors's Avatar
I was born and raised in Europe; my father being French and my mother German; how could I not like wine? hahaha; my father put wine in my baby bottle.

As the years go by, my tastes have shifted; I used to drink only very bold cabs, then I transitioned to pinot noir, yes, La Crema makes a wonderful pinot noir and a chardonnay; now days my everday wines include Santa Margerita Pinot Grigio, Candoni Prosecco and Bodega Norton Rsv Malbec.

Spring and Summer roll around and it is Rose time....Kenwood Rose, St. Francis makes a beautiful Rose that goes great with grilled fish and shrimp, and Korbel Sparkling Rose are great summer wines.

A great summer wine called New Age is very nice with a slice of lemon or lime.

I cellar many old world wines collected over the years but I never turned myself into a wine snob; I can enjoy a bottle of Montrachet at 100.00 plus and enjoy just as much a bottle of Clancy's Red at 15.00 a bottle.

I am currently exploring Petite Syrahs; Concannon makes an especially nice one.

A texas winery to visit is Becker right outside Fredricksburg; their Iconoclast Cab is nice as well as their Viognier.

Can anyone tell I like my wine?
I love Moscato D' Asti it is my all time favorite! I recently found a Champange, I have 2 favorites. One of the cheaper ones Barefoot Moscato Bubbly and then a very expensive one that is sooo good, Castello Di Neive Moscato D' Asti NV. At 205 bucks a bottle its rare that I get the chance to enjoy it!
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Wine? Wine rhymes with whine, and both are for wusses. Real men drink vodka.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Just kidding :-)
runswithscissors's Avatar
Roxanne, some other asti's to try; Fratelli Moscato D Asti; Torlasco Moscato D Asti, very reasonably priced from mid teens to maybe 20 a bottle. Very nice Astis and you can usually find them at HEB or Specs.

Cupcake is coming out with their Moscato D Asti very soon; anyone try the line of Cupcake wines?
Oh yes I am glad you said that Fratelli Moscato D Asti is the one I was speaking of, being my all time favorite I will check out the others you speak of as well! Thanks for the recomendations!

Cupcake? Mmmm sounds good lol!
Etude - Pinot Noir
David Coffaro Pinot Noir
For truly remarkable Pinot Noir Champagne- Clos du Mesnil - extremely rare. Best champagne one can get, vanilla, nutty tones. <sigh>
Veuve La Grand Dame
Becker makes a damn fine Muscat
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I love la Crema Pinot Noir and I used to like Veuve Clicquot but since becoming an escort, I've managed to tire of it. For a much lower price point, I think Piper Sonoma Sparkling is pretty fantastic.

I think I pretty much like almost every varietal or blend except pure Merlot, jammy Zins, ice vine, moscata or really anything sweet at all. I just love tasting something new all the time so don't often remember what I had before. I make sommeliers earn their money because while I'm not picky on the varietal or region, I am picky on flavor (nothing sweet, jammy, tart or lacking in complexity) and usually have to send back a taste or two before they get it right. If I'm choosing blind, I will always pick from California or Oregon if I have money to spend or Chile, Argentina, Australia or South Africa if I'm on a budget. I tend to find old world wine lacking in complexity but that could be just that I don't know how to pick it.

I like going to Spec's because I just give them a price point, tell them what I like, and they always make the best recommendations.

Um, ok, I'm officially an obsessed post ho. Got's to get off the Internets now.