Subconscious Boner Syndrome....

TryWeakly's Avatar
Yep. Turns out that's a thing.....

...and it happened to me when i sat down in the Blue 2020 C8 Corvette down at the local Chevy dealer.

Is that normal? Asking for a friend..
  • pxmcc
  • 11-15-2019, 06:29 PM
I get boners in my sleep.
When I am awake, no boners.

That's so fucked up.
TryWeakly's Avatar
^ ... or not...

depending on how you loook at things.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Yep. Turns out that's a thing.....

...and it happened to me when i sat down in the Blue 2020 C8 Corvette down at the local Chevy dealer.

Is that normal? Asking for a friend.. Originally Posted by TryWeakly

For this, no.............however if you could've taken it for a test drive and 'got on it', then a boner is natural. Had you taken and bought the car, then 'got on it', ejaculation could be expected and normal.

I'm waiting for the C8 Z06. While you were there (Classic Sugarland I imagine), did you hear any rumors about the C8 Z06?

I had a C7 Z06 that I traded and received an invite to Classic to see the new C8, however it was my understanding that the car would be roped off and it would be a look, no touch, type of thing. Had I known I would've been able to sit in the car, I would've showed up. Did anybody get to start the car, I wonder how loud it will be on the inside?

I also wonder how much the 'market adjustment' will be on the first years model. From what I understand, the plant at Bowling Green added another shift to produce a lot more cars.
If you get SBS from a Vette..����and want to turn it up a notch to SBS extended & possible mental sick zone�� test drive an Aston Martin Vantage at Star Motors.
Every thing about Power& Speed Supercedes the Vettes..��

I've actually argued this with my late Husband ��❤Hi Sexy See you soon.naughty man ❤.��AND won..�� it kicked his ass.

He gave me a Vette I wanted an Aston Martin ..
I can't wait to go get her.
She's POWER and Speed.☺super wet pussy syndrome

That's a Car I recommend if you want to feel the POWER in motion ��From the Seat & ASS Hugging Seats to the POWER and Speed after you put your foot on the pedal.
TryWeakly's Avatar

I think I"d rather save the 100G.

Numbers talk, bullshit walks.

Besides, if I wanted to drive a POS English car I'd definitely grab a Mini or better yet, Reliant Robin.
I get lady boners all the time!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Well played....

Now, about those taint photos....

You know, for Pyramider...
I would but my huge lady boner and large lady balls cover up the taint. Sorry!!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-17-2019, 05:58 AM
D_J, if you buy that C8, I'll buy you that bucket of wings that I owe ya!
pyramider's Avatar
I get lady boners all the time! Originally Posted by ZantannaParella
I would but my huge lady boner and large lady balls cover up the taint. Sorry!! Originally Posted by ZantannaParella

Just move them aside ... unless you need help ....
Just move them aside ... unless you need help .... Originally Posted by pyramider
I can handle it. My taint is sacred and only seen by the chosen ones. ;-)
TryWeakly's Avatar
Taint butt a thang.....
Well I wouldn’t want you to snatch my butt in between pics. It just taint cool. Like I said. It’s sacred. My own little narrow pathway to heaven.
Matthew said it best. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

So like I said. It’s only for the chosen ones Haha