Eccie: The adult social media site where trolls are coddled and pampered. it so warms my cockles and lowers my hackles...

  • pxmcc
  • 08-09-2020, 09:15 AM
Eccie should be renamed

on eccie, as i predicted, only the trolls are left. how do i know that? because, as i stated earlier in a pm to the roving point-happy mod, trolls produce zero content that anyone wants to read. all they can do is harass people who actually produce readable content, until the content-generators like VenusNova and myself-(other regular content generators include Boardman, Slit, Russ, ZP-who is fucking hilarious btw-SC, Shine on a good day, and a few others-some of whom, such as myself and VN, may just leave or have left and stop posting altogether.) (try, where are all your page-turner threads during my absence? bareback1961, where are all your viral posts with 10000+ views and counting that i know you were cranking out during my bancation? well nm. you dont have to answer that cause you contribute 0 content to the board that anyone wants to read, including myself, so i dont wanna have to even avoid reading your answer) and since no one here has produced content that anyone wants to read, excepting maybe 1 or 2 threads in the Sandbox such as Slit's tomato and salsa thread, only the trolls are left on this site. joe, say it aint so..

even a silly site-not as sorry as eccie though-like Chaturbate [im pxmcc and irish438 there lol] has solved the troll puzzle: content generators can ban trolls from their rooms (aka threads) and they can appoint mods who can in real time silence and 86 trolls from the content-generator's rooms (i.e. threads). it's funny watching it happen in real time-'user Sorry_as_Fuck has been silenced by One_bad_mofo and his pathetic messages have been removed' and predicting which clown is about to get banned next. "baby can you fart for me on cam" in front of 8000 people even though i'm offering you 0 tokens and even less respect?

that would be like me banning bareback1961 from all my threads after he trolls me in this thread (which he will of course because he can't help himself.) there's an idea that even might make me think about turning back around; but, possibly, well maybe kinda doubtful at best..

off topic-well actually i could give zero fucks about that-but clusterfuck 19 got me, so in lieu of the icu [i aint got no time for dat], i upped my ghost chilies from 5 to 10 a day, and my rock hopper went from riding 25 miles a day to 100. i'm not cured, but clusterfuck19 is going nowhere fast anytime soon on my account. and oh ya, and fuck ICUs too. worse than prisons, where at least there you dont get a bill for 150k after you almost die..

i have one last thread to finish, in due time, and then it is done. my latest chapter of said thread happened last week. it is called, "Dealer, make my 500 look like 2400 so i can pay my Chapter 7 lawyer [fuck bitch ass hoas too; they're even worse than ICUs] or imma need to go pro se." spoiler alert: umm i filed my petition last friday. bitches closed down the table on my roll since they're a bunch of sorry-ass sore losers..

ok trolls, we know you own this place. so without further adieu, let me introduce the sha callas, the piece of shit trolls who reign over eccie and who have run this used-to-be-pretty-good site into the ground and made it more irksome than anything else. do ya thing..
What a little bread with that getting banned is ALWAYS the fault of SOMEONE ELSE!!

Shine is perma-banned here...wonder why??
Why was your MAGNIFICENT self perma-banned from OH2...two peas in a pod...tell us it wasn't your fault AGAIN(you can't help yourself).
I thought you were gone for any bad penny.

"riding 25 miles a day to 100" should be on the other side of the world by now??

"i'm not cured"...your affliction is terminal!!

my latest chapter of said thread happened last week. it is called, "Dealer, make my 500 look like 2400 so i can pay my Chapter 7 lawyer [fuck bitch ass hoas too; they're even worse than ICUs] or imma need to go pro se." spoiler alert: umm i filed my petition last friday. bitches closed down the table on my roll since they're a bunch of sorry-ass sore losers..sounds like a personal problem to me.

"i have one last thread to finish, in due time, and then it is done"...hopefully soon!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Completely forgot about px.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Completely forgot about px. Originally Posted by winn dixie
TryWeakly's Avatar
Eccie should be renamed

on eccie, as i predicted, only the trolls are left. how do i know that? because, as i stated earlier in a pm to the roving point-happy mod, trolls produce zero content that anyone wants to read. all they can do is harass people who actually produce readable content, until the content-generators like VenusNova and myself-(other regular content generators include Boardman, Slit, Russ, ZP-who is fucking hilarious btw-SC, Shine on a good day, and a few others-some of whom, such as myself and VN, may just leave or have left and stop posting altogether.) (try, where are all your page-turner threads during my absence? bareback1961, where are all your viral posts with 10000+ views and counting that i know you were cranking out during my bancation? well nm. you dont have to answer that cause you contribute 0 content to the board that anyone wants to read, including myself, so i dont wanna have to even avoid reading your answer) and since no one here has produced content that anyone wants to read, excepting maybe 1 or 2 threads in the Sandbox such as Slit's tomato and salsa thread, only the trolls are left on this site. joe, say it aint so..

even a silly site-not as sorry as eccie though-like Chaturbate [im pxmcc and irish438 there lol] has solved the troll puzzle: content generators can ban trolls from their rooms (aka threads) and they can appoint mods who can in real time silence and 86 trolls from the content-generator's rooms (i.e. threads). it's funny watching it happen in real time-'user Sorry_as_Fuck has been silenced by One_bad_mofo and his pathetic messages have been removed' and predicting which clown is about to get banned next. "baby can you fart for me on cam" in front of 8000 people even though i'm offering you 0 tokens and even less respect?

that would be like me banning bareback1961 from all my threads after he trolls me in this thread (which he will of course because he can't help himself.) there's an idea that even might make me think about turning back around; but, possibly, well maybe kinda doubtful at best..

off topic-well actually i could give zero fucks about that-but clusterfuck 19 got me, so in lieu of the icu [i aint got no time for dat], i upped my ghost chilies from 5 to 10 a day, and my rock hopper went from riding 25 miles a day to 100. i'm not cured, but clusterfuck19 is going nowhere fast anytime soon on my account. and oh ya, and fuck ICUs too. worse than prisons, where at least there you dont get a bill for 150k after you almost die..

i have one last thread to finish, in due time, and then it is done. my latest chapter of said thread happened last week. it is called, "Dealer, make my 500 look like 2400 so i can pay my Chapter 7 lawyer [fuck bitch ass hoas too; they're even worse than ICUs] or imma need to go pro se." spoiler alert: umm i filed my petition last friday. bitches closed down the table on my roll since they're a bunch of sorry-ass sore losers..

ok trolls, we know you own this place. so without further adieu, let me introduce the sha callas, the piece of shit trolls who reign over eccie and who have run this used-to-be-pretty-good site into the ground and made it more irksome than anything else. do ya thing.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Russ38's Avatar
i upped my ghost chilies from 5 to 10 a day..... Originally Posted by pxmcc
Sounds rather harsh on the must be shitting blood and afterbirth every morning.....prob never have to worry about tapeworm though.....
What an idiotic first post, but right in-line with the chest-beating, attention-seeking sad sack that id and the other fluffers are known to be.

It's called BS Russ... no way anybody eats that many GP daily.
Russ38's Avatar
It's called BS Russ... no way anybody eats that many GP daily. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
Only one way to find out.....GP Challenge.....I’ll buy the beer just to watch the shit.....
Slitlikr's Avatar
Only one way to find out.....GP Challenge.....I’ll buy the beer just to watch the shit..... Originally Posted by Russ38

I'll supply the ghost peppers.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-10-2020, 09:25 PM
What an idiotic first post, but right in-line with the chest-beating, attention-seeking sad sack that id and the other fluffers are known to be.

It's called BS Russ... no way anybody eats that many GP daily. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
Only one way to find out.....GP Challenge.....I’ll buy the beer just to watch the shit..... Originally Posted by Russ38
I'll supply the ghost peppers. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
phantom, how much you got? this doesn't even qualify as gambling for me.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-11-2020, 05:12 AM
What an idiotic first post, but right in-line with the chest-beating, attention-seeking sad sack that id and the other fluffers are known to be.

It's called BS Russ... no way anybody eats that many GP daily. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
i want to put you all in. name the bet and i'll match it. house car whatever i'm down. if you're game for a real bet-like a house-i'll give you the equities on all my shit so you can make a more informed bet. (hint: dont go for the maroon 2020 altima sl. it went upside down when i drove it off the lot lol, [even after i told the sales dude to go fuck himself and was waiting for my uber when he caved.] like wtf. now my car is classified as "used" with 400 miles, instead of new.)

anyway, talk is cheap. put ur money where ur mouth is or stfu.
Says the gay who has been banned 20 times or so...

The only thing you ride is The1Slayer or Sistine’s knob...
winn dixie's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ yep!

  • pxmcc
  • 08-11-2020, 06:56 PM
Says the gay who has been banned 20 times or so...

The only thing you ride is The1Slayer or Sistine’s knob... Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
is that a fact dorian..
u really need to get rid of this handle. its bad karma dude being so negative all the time. and ya ur one of the trolls eccie coddles. you should have been permabanned long ago. at least shine was entertaining-if annoying-at least some of the time.

when i figured out your story-it took me awhile to figure out why you were always coming at island gent and the other dude who everyone says is a pimp-i was shocked. i was happy as a little kid when i read how jesse owens-an american no matter his color-beat the fuck out of the fuhrer's boys. hitler is not a friend to anyone, least of all your people. it's not even funny as a joke.

i thought you were legit a white supremacist or kinda leaning in that direction.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-11-2020, 06:58 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ yep!

BAhahahahaa Originally Posted by winn dixie
Winn i have no quarrel with you. why you tryin to start shit? are you coming out as a troll? it's ok bro. we'll still accept you..