To the esteemed hobbyists, providers, posters and lurkers of Eccieland, let us pay it forward and do our attention needing peeps a solid by crowdsourcing for them thread topics that may go viral..

  • pxmcc
  • 08-14-2020, 02:51 AM
Because even though you may not need attention today, tomorrow it could be you..

The rules:
-anyone can propose thread topics for the emotionally needy;

-only gents and gals included on the "Peeps needing attention" lists may use the proposed thread topics;

-anyone can add their name or propose other handles to be added to the "Peeps needing attention" lists;

-getting removed from the "Peeps needing attention" list requires a court order, or 1 year abstention from hating/trolling those who produce content that anyone actually cares to read. (By the way VenusNova, if i promise to brutally reverse troll 4Pawg and provide close air support, will you start posting again? it's boring af in here..);

-and finally, Eccie we are, so trolls we love..
  • pxmcc
  • 08-14-2020, 02:55 AM
The Lists:
Peeps Needing Attention

-Try very weakly
-Bareback 1961
-Lester Krinklesac

  • pxmcc
  • 08-14-2020, 03:03 AM
I have a thread topic proposal for bareback 1961 or try very weakly: how bout a political post on how awesome the orange clown is and how he deserves to have his incredible visage-best visage ever in the history of visages-carved into Mount Rushmore? (does anyone remember the Sesame Street game, which of these doesn't belong?)

i thought the rule was "no political threads in the Sandbox." however, after perusing the latest threads, now i understand that the rule is, "no poltical posts unless the post falls right of center, preferably fascist, supporting our king and Dear Leader." So try or bareback, you should fall clearly within the exemption on the "no political posts in the Sandbox.."

and for 4pawg: how bout top 5 weirdest hobby session/experiences? people love that shit, including me.

and for Lester: "What it feels like for a hoader when the hoarder's flea-bitten mutt brings home fleas to his messy, dirty, single wide with the leaky roof.." that one will definitely have to go in the Sandbox. and good luck with the fleas!!!!
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
This is what you call interesting threads?
So needed?
You really should just go live under your freeway overpass and leave the good folks of Eccie alone.
All you have become is the worlds biggest cry baby.
Realize nobody cares why your crying, just stop!

You know nobody is sorry you overextended yourself and lost everything, that your house was so bad the HOA sued you over being scummy, you really shouldn’t lose yourself on top of it.
Seems you would have been better served doing some yard work instead of always crying on Eccie

Oh and attack threads are not allowed on Eccie.

P.S. if you have to post 3 times to yourself in a row..., you are CRAZY!

And you’re confused as to why no one misses you when you’re gone... bwahahahaha
TryWeakly's Avatar
The word "cunty" comes to mind for some reason.

lol... what a fucking loser.
TryWeakly's Avatar
uh oh.

Should we wait till you get back to finish this here threAD ?
I hope the ban is permanent.
TryWeakly's Avatar