Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump's campaign paid $2.3 million in donor money to his private business, filings show

Documents showed that the campaign channeled $380,000 to the president's personal business in 43 transactions, Fahrenthold said, adding that the Trump Organization told him the money was for a weeklong "donor retreat" at Mar-a-Lago in March.

Open Secrets, an arm of the Center for Responsive Politics that closely tracks money in politics, first spotted the payments in Federal Election Commission filings from the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising committee between Trump and the Republican National Committee.

The POTUS is a crook.
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2020, 01:04 PM
9500- more XiNN mis-representation - if crimes were committed - Pelosi, nadler, and Schiff would have been all over it - instead - You have a great big nothing burger - as usual.

little, little, Marxist . 9500- does love him some YSL - care to come out of the closet??
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You heard the tube. T R U M P: +1, Biden: 0.
HoeHummer's Avatar
9500- more XiNN mis-representation - if crimes were committed - Pelosi, nadler, and Schiff would have been all over it - instead - You have a great big nothing burger - as usual.

little, little, Marxist . 9500- does love him some YSL - care to come out of the closet?? Originally Posted by oeb11
Easy for you to dismiss everything’s as Chinese propagandas,

Yous have yet to prove any of your stupid fucking accusations.

You’re spare parts bud.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Easy for you to dismiss everything’s as Chinese propagandas,

Yous have yet to prove any of your stupid fucking accusations.

You’re spare parts bud. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Schiff says FBI hasn't probed national security risks of Trump's foreign financial ties

Mueller indicated during his testimony to the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees that he was more focused on pursuing criminal investigations than counterintelligence risks. Mueller told lawmakers he was never instructed not to touch Trump's finances, but those matters were less central to his probe.

Mr. October surprise.

Impeachment? The sequel.
More fun amusing post by ob1 another i35 kid. Nancy and Chuck are a enjoying the melt down2. they be busy trying to run the country while trump keeps making a reality clown tv show. They gave up on the trump family cartel. They know he be gone and indicted soon . it will be fun to watch cruise defend the idiot in chief
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump's campaign paid $2.3 million in donor money to his private business, filings show

The POTUS is a crook. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The Sanders and Biden Families Have Been Cashing In for Years

Joe Biden likes to say he was the poorest man in the Senate. Bernie Sanders rails against the establishment. But family members have long benefited from the Democratic front-runners’ political careers.

Donald Trump has set a new bar for presidential self-dealing. But two of the Democratic front-runners have their own, lower-level history of mixing family and politics.

Since the 1970s, Senator Bernie Sanders, who has spent his entire career railing against the political establishment, and Joe Biden, who likes to point out that he was for years the poorest member of the Senate, have repeatedly directed campaign dollars to close relatives. As mayor of Burlington, Vermont, Sanders even directed taxpayer money to his wife. Some of these practices were touched on in reporting at the time, but the full picture has acquired new importance in the context of the campaign against Trump, whose golf outings alone have sent millions of taxpayer dollars to his family-owned firm.

Just about every person who’s ever run for office has had a brother knocking on doors, an aunt licking envelopes, or a spouse and kids featured in a campaign commercial. But that’s usually volunteer work. Sanders put his wife on the Burlington city payroll and made a company of hers, Progressive Media Strategies, a top recipient of campaign cash. His congressional reelection campaigns paid one of his stepdaughters more than $50,000 over four years; a nonprofit his wife started, the Sanders Institute, paid her son, David Driscoll, a $100,000 salary. Biden has a sister and son whose companies received large contracts from his last presidential campaign; about one-fifth of the $11.1 million raised by that campaign went to companies that employed close relatives.

of course The Atlantic, one of the many far left rags, goes on to claim Trump has "gone too far" compared to BernieTard and BidenTard, butt hey had to point out the truth that Joey and Bernie are grifters.
I still can't recall how many of the Obama/Biden buddies and trusted advisors were indicted and convicted. Where is trump family cartel at now? 7 or 8 plus his #1 religious adviser freak on the side
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Biden and Sanders are to grifters, as Donald J. Trump is to:

a. Leech

b. Mooch

c. Deadeat

d. All of the above
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2020, 06:23 PM
Again - the marxist gays are posting meaningless XiNN drivel - and believe it to be narrative truth.

poor little, little YSL admirers.

please go donate to OBLM and AntiFa - you will like the marxist company.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden and Sanders are to grifters, as Donald J. Trump is to:

a. Leech

b. Mooch

c. Deadeat

d. All of the above Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I understand your grief and shame, poster. your demigod Bernie turns out to be a common grifter on the take. all that talk of socialism, that great utopia of the people .. and he's really just a greedy asshole. when will you ever learn the truth about your beloved socialism?
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2020, 06:33 PM
9500- learn the factual truth about his beloved socialist dreams of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, kim, and maduro
All the wet dreams of those with his beloved YSL?

I8ll put a K$ against 1$ - it cannot happen.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ truth and socialism - never gonna happen if people see behind the curtain =ignorance id bliss