*Disclaimer - Most of this is utter BS but we can all assume it is true because it makes it more dramatic. Also, I apologize for speaking of myself in third person but it’s just so fun. *giggles*
So ol’ CanDo01ooeeee was lonely last night and had a lot on his mind - specifically, questions wondering about what providers thought about ol’ CanDo01oooeeeee and what he “can do”(hehe) to make himself more appealing because right now it’s not working - I’ve had the phone slammed in my face, door slammed in my face, spat on, softball bat attack(ouch), asphyxiated, slapped really hard, chased by pimps, beaten by pimps, solicited by pimps(I can be sexy sometimes *giggles*), self esteem drop kicked to the ground, etc….I’m just getting tired of it.
So below I’ve put some topics that could help me and possibly any hobbyist (so the thread won’t just be about me *giggles*) become more appealing. Just need everyone’s input on which topic should be discussed first.
A. Should I go back to my old avatar because my current avatar is creepy and is scaring away providers? Do avatars matter?
B. Do providers like kissing me after I’ve eaten popcorn? I was looking for a super hot session after I see the Eclipse of the Twilight Saga. Is popcorn a nuisance?
C. How can I make myself as cool as Neotek and how do I turn my place into a ninja kitties dojo? Enough said
D. How do I get fubar’s seventh sense of pimp detecting? My senses only go as far as a sixth sense where I can sense when squirrels are depressed.
E. I think the Mods should hand out PWI’s, do you?
F. Can my ATF be someone else’s ATF and still be considered my ATF and how would the provider look at her ATF status from the hobbyists who look at her as an ATF if her ATF hobbyist has a different ATF especially from who I consider my ATF? It could get complicated.
Those are questions ol’ CanDo01ooooeeee pondered last night while alone. (review to follow)
I appreciate your input and I hope y'all get this.