Both Kansas Senators Vote to End Funding of Libya, Pakistan and Egypt

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Way to go guys! I didn't think you had it in you!

LexusLover's Avatar
That should be just the beginning of the list.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Only ten voted in favor of ending funding.
Way to go guys! I didn't think you had it in you!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-22-2012, 11:40 AM
Well they got another one right!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-22-2012, 12:20 PM
They forgot to include Israel.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Looks like we got some more house cleaning to do.
I will sned my voice of displeasure to Cornyn, Hutchinson is gone and will be replaced by Cruz.
They forgot to include Israel. Originally Posted by WTF
The Lybia, Pakistan, and Egypt money will now go to Israel.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-22-2012, 08:41 PM
The Lybia, Pakistan, and Egypt money will now go to Israel. Originally Posted by Submodo
Oh, you are not aganist welfare, just wefare to people you hate.

You have no problem giving my money to other nation while your own people suffer.

Great, another illogical Tea Nut.
Your way off WTF.

I am against welfare. All of it. We should eliminate it all, starting with multi-national corporations and work our way down.

We can argue about re-distributing wealth WITHIN this country, yours and mine. But this crap of confiscating our assets and giving them to foreign nations has got to end - in all its forms.

I don't want one US cent going to ANY foreign nation. I don't give a rats ass about Israel, one way or the other.

My previous (poor attempt as sarcasm) post was trying to point the blatant never ending love affair our "leaders" have for Israel. Both those on the left and right.
TrailBlazer's Avatar
WTF, you miserable DemonRat, Israel is deserving of our support, as are our own people here in the US that suffer. The only countries that should receive funding are our allies. Stop funding the damn UN and all the countries that promote violence and hate the US. We could reduce the potential of terrorism, seal our border from illegals, and obliterate famine at home if our troops and our funding stayed in this country.

Welfare, the HealthCare bill, and Food Stamps need to go away. We only need Medicare, Medicaid, SS, and Unemployment benefits. The entitlement generation is going to bankrupt us.

Problem is we have too much corporate interest and money at stake outside the US. If your beloved "savior" and his mooch would not live the lavish lifestyle they are accustomed to off the taxpayers, imagine how many mouths they could feed. President Zero wants to redistribute the wealth, here and abroad, but it won't affect Moochelle's dress size one bit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2012, 09:10 AM
Your way off WTF.

I am against welfare. All of it. We should eliminate it all, starting with multi-national corporations and work our way down.

We can argue about re-distributing wealth WITHIN this country, yours and mine. But this crap of confiscating our assets and giving them to foreign nations has got to end - in all its forms.

I don't want one US cent going to ANY foreign nation. I don't give a rats ass about Israel, one way or the other.

My previous (poor attempt as sarcasm) post was trying to point the blatant never ending love affair our "leaders" have for Israel. Both those on the left and right. Originally Posted by Submodo
Then we are in agreement.

What I find idiotic is people that want to be just a little preggo. Like TrailBlazer. He wants our money going to just the folks he agrees with. He thinks the Jews are our friends. They need our might and money. That is why they act nice. No other reason.
WTF, you miserable DemonRat, Israel is deserving of our support, as are our own people here in the US that suffer. . Originally Posted by TrailBlazer
I do not give a flying fuck about Israel , nor Egypt for that matter.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The modern history of Israel is that of another nation of immigrants. A small portion of Israeli can trace their lineage back over a thousand years but the majority have roots in Europe, Russia, and the United States. Some uninformed, anti-semetic people can claim that the "JEWS" (that is the way they inflect) don't like anything but the money that the US sends them which is a theme that goes back hundreds of years. Many Israelis have roots and family in the US. The families that they had in Europe are mostly memories after the Holocaust.
No, any idiot should be able to see that there are more bonds between Israel and the US than taxpayer dollars. This does not mean that Israel will allow itself to be slaughtered waiting on a feckless president whose own loyalites are in question.
I dont get it... Whats the big deal we can print money 24/7 . Why dont we give them more, all of them > lets give every country in the Middle East 20 billion each, that way they wont be so pissed off and think about this > we send every dude over there a Corvette ( why not we the tax payers own 20% of GM ) DO YOU THINK they will burn em up or just drive around looking cool... Actually we can start the program here for practice, think of all the jobs in KY making these cars.. All of you have it wrong, bitchin about the left bitchin about the right, the answer is right in front of you, the only debate is what color Corvette is faster.... Now you have to be 40yrs old to get your free Corvette, this creates a market place for the used ones with all the younger dudes, and no one over 85 gets one since there reflexes aint what they used to be.... Wake up America .... In closing we can throw in a few virgins with each car, i will start hunting for em while you guys write your congressmen...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2012, 09:55 AM
. Some uninformed, anti-semetic people can claim that the "JEWS" (that is the way they inflect) don't like anything but the money that the US sends them which is a theme that goes back hundreds of years.
. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh they like our military might too. Without us, they would be nothing.

You understand nothing about history, human nature and cost benefit analysis. They are not worth going to war with Iran for.

. . Many Israelis have roots and family in the US. The families that they had in Europe are mostly memories after the Holocaust.
. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let them send their money back to Israel. Not American Taxpayer dollars.

Why do you want to send taxpayer dollars to Jews and not spend money here on your own citizens healthcare?

Do you hate America? Move to Israel if you love it so much and hate this country.

Many Jews agree with me btw. They do not think their PM should be getting into America Presidential election process. For the very fact that they are worried about the backlash.