I apologize...

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
For my little outburst a few nights ago...Yeah I tried to cover it as a bad joke it half was but It was rude and uncalled for.
All I can say is I am in a fight of a life time in my personal life (which in no way crosses over in to my business life ) My out burst was uncalled for but seeing so many get so upset over minor things hurts my heart knowing how useless it is when you should be absorbing all the good around you instead....because in a blink all the good can just imploded around you...So I am truely sorry if I offended anyone...
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Good luck to you and I do hope things get better for you real soon.
Life happens and we all go through those type of things at one time or another.
Strength and courage- pray for it, they do work but you'll have to work on maintaining it.

Chin up!
It's ok girl, I doubt anyone would hold one small outburst against you given that you have a great rep for quality service. It's not like you killed a kitten or anything.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I thought that shit was funny.....

I hope you are doing OK.
sixxbach's Avatar
No apology needed.

We all vent from time to time. I hope all is well in your world....

gman44's Avatar
It's ok girl, I doubt anyone would hold one small outburst against you given that you have a great rep for quality service. It's not like you killed a kitten or anything. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

I wouldn't as you're already tops to this pops
squiretuck's Avatar
No worries doll! and that is coming from the king of the screwups!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Everyone loses it on occasion. It's part of being human. All is forgiven & hope you find some peaceful respite to ease your pain.

A very classy thing to do from a very classy Lady!

Love u girl.... call me anytime
shaft.drive's Avatar
sorry u r having a rough time
this time too shall pass

get back in touch with your fun self
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Thankyou all. Your kind words mean more then you know. I pride my self on being a very strong person...sometimes you must fall in order to know just how strong you really are... Not sure where I currently fall but the following thought has now stuck with me

"Sometimes your most weakest point in your life is also your strongest point..The outcome does not depend on you first reaction but more how you handled and survived in the end.The heart hurts and you can lay down and cry but know you are stronger and laying down and dying inside is not a choice you are willing to accept..Now is where being stubborn pays off.."

Anyway Ill be quiet now before I bore y'all to death
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

Or if they can pay