Mitt "The Shit" Romney set to diss Trump.

Poor Mitt...can't stand the inevitable...
What's the matter with you Repoobic Hair voters?!? You're voting in a wild man to represent us!!!!

He doesn't get it...just like all the Repoobic uppity-ups...

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump gets the delegate votes, they try an end-around to shove somebody else in there.
bambino's Avatar
Mitt was humming a different tune when he went to the Trump tower to ask for his endorsement. Mitts a twerp.
Poor Mitt...can't stand the inevitable...
What's the matter with you Repoobic Hair voters?!? You're voting in a wild man to represent us!!!!

He doesn't get it...just like all the Repoobic uppity-ups...

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump gets the delegate votes, they try an end-around to shove somebody else in there. Originally Posted by Prolongus
You're right we are all sick of the same ole bullshit. Romney, Cruz, Rubio, Obama, Sanders, the Bush's, the Clinton's that's just a partial list of the same ole bullshit. Trump is a little different. He's giving candidates as well as voters a taste of down home honesty and most of you pussies can't handle it. Trump is far more worth giving a shot at the White House than any of these other "career politicians" who have never done anything worth a shit in their lives.

I don't like any of these fucks running for office but think of the wild-ass ride we'd have if hot-tempered Trump the Chump was in charge of the red button...(and I don't mean his trophy wife).

All the support and votes Trump is getting are a direct message to incumbent polticos..."We're mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it anymore, GODDAMMIT'"
bambino's Avatar
I don't like any of these fucks running for office but think of the wild-ass ride we'd have if hot-tempered Trump the Chump was in charge of the red button...(and I don't mean his trophy wife).

All the support and votes Trump is getting are a direct message to incumbent polticos..."We're mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it anymore, GODDAMMIT'" Originally Posted by Prolongus
I wouldn't mind pushing Melania's red button. She'd be the hottest First Lady in history! By a fucking mile.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BABOONO couldn't get laid with Trumps dick.
bambino's Avatar
BABOONO couldn't get laid with Trumps dick. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I wouldn't want too, but you want to suck it. Any dick for that matter.
lustylad's Avatar
Melania told him to act more Presidential.

"But honey, I've got incoming!"

bambino's Avatar
After watching the clip of Romney singing Trumps praises after he endorsed Romney, somehow, Romneys diatribe seemed ludicrous today. I wasn't a Trump guy, but if he wins the nomination fair and square, Romney and his ilk should just go fuck off.
Just like the globalists planned...

FINAL TRIPWIRE TRIGGERED ! – Mitt Romney Admits GOPe Globalist Grand Scheme “The Splitter Strategy”….

Today Mitt Romney led the final charge against our Constitutional Republic. In desperation he stated openly:

[…] Given the current delegate selection process, this means that I would vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, for John Kasich in Ohio, and for Ted Cruz or whichever one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state.
THAT instruction is specifically, intentionally and directly admitting “The Splitter Strategy” within the construct of the GOPe Road Map they created in 2014.

Romney is a globalist piece of SHIT...

So let's get this straight: the man who led to 17 of the 77 business Bain invested in closing down in bankruptcy, and another 4 going Chapter 11 after Bain extracted all the possible value, is criticizing Trump for engaging in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection?

We wonder how many large businesses - because Bain does not bother with small business LBOs - "and the men and women who worked for them were crushed" as a result of Romney's own attempt to extract as much value as possible by layering dozens of companies with massive debt loads?

To be sure, we don't criticize Romney's business model: it is what he does, just like what Trump does is to run companies, and the ultimate result is always failure. But we do find it grotesquely ironic that Romney has the gall to mock Trump's business record when he himself is a far greater abuser of US bankruptcy laws.

This is, after all, capitalism. But for Romney to turn around and so blatantly ignore his track record when blasting Trump's is, in a word, preposterous.
Mitt Romney Is The Real Super-Fraud: Here’s The Proof, Chapter And Verse

Now that’s a screaming case of the cat calling the kettle black if there every was one. Mitt Romney has lashed out at The Donald for being a “phony and fraud”, but consider this. During his 16-years at Bain Capital, fully one-fourth or $600 million of the firms cumulative $2.5 billion of profits were scalped from companies which went bankrupt soon after Mitt and his partners got out of town with the loot.

No wonder the American voters did not believe him when he claimed to be the “job creator”.

Yes, the GOP establishment’s putative “jobs” candidate from 2012 was never really a businessman at all. He was an LBO strip-mining artist who rode the first Greenspan Bubble to riches between 1987 and 2000. Yet in the overwhelming share of the 77 investment deals he superintended during that period, he left behind financial cripples, zombies and Chapter Eleven bait.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have no fucking idea what at least half of those words mean, SLOBBRIN.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You have no fucking idea what at least half of those words mean, SLOBBRIN. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
why don't you point what those words are and what your meaning is
You have no fucking idea what at least half of those words mean, SLOBBRIN. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Scat Aficionado the self loathing Urinal Lipped 0zombie, I know you are enjoying this but your time is coming... 2 weeks at most...