eccie math

This is an information exchange, and I am a newbie here. I hope I do not piss off people, but this inquiring mind wants to know about the fee schedule logic.

250 hhr
300 hr
400 90 min
500 2 hour

This is from a recent ad.

I can get add 30 minutes to the hhr for additional 50.
To add 30 minutes to the hour is additional 100.

And to add another 30 minutes to the 90 is an additional 100.

Is it that she does not want to do the 90 minute and 2 hour session?

Would it not make sense to value 30 minutes alike?

So 250 for 30 and 300 for 1 hr = 50 for additional 30 minutes.

So add 50 for additional 30 minutes = 350 for 90 minutes.

And 400 for 2 hours instead of 500.

Each provider will establish her own schedule of fees and times.

I just do not understand why anyone would promote a dis-incentive for longer sessions. Most businesses I know promote increased business with lower rates, not higher rates.

You pays your money, and you takes your choice. Or so I have heard.

Green side up ...
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Tha kwest-shun mite oughta be why is tha 1/2 hour 250 instaid o' 200. It mite be that her 1/2 hours run a l'il long, whether she don't watch tha clock 'r tha fellers tend ta o'erstay an' she's shy 'bout callin''em out onnit.
Agreed. The math is bad. And this is one of those 95% logic and 5% emotion kind of comments that Louie C. K. talks about.

Of course! Of course the provider has a faulty reasoning when it comes to pricing. But MAYBE! Maybe if she was better at math and pricing she wouldn't have budgeting and management problems to begin with. The truth is that most providers don't dedicate a sufficient amount of time to the financial side of the hobby. Those that do, don't stay in the hobby for very long.

All of this is just my opinion so feel free to disregard instead of insult.

"There ain't no moral to this story at all. And everything I tell you very well can be a lie. I've been away from the living, I don't need to be forgiven. I'm just waiting for this cold, dead heart of mine to come alive."
Tha kwest-shun mite oughta be why is tha 1/2 hour 250 instaid o' 200. It mite be that her 1/2 hours run a l'il long, whether she don't watch tha clock 'r tha fellers tend ta o'erstay an' she's shy 'bout callin''em out onnit. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
My thoughts exactly...break it down by dollar per minute and its a little different outlook. I think maybe shes trying to run off the cheap skates but offer a fair price and likely enjoys the longer sessions
Treetop78759's Avatar
Popeyes fried chicken does the exact same thing. Go stop by when it's 2 fer Tuesday. The place is full of people getting hosed because they don't know basic math.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hooker math just doesn't add up..........
Whispers's Avatar
The whores lack the ability to be professional about the profession they chose and use pricing to deal with the guys booking half hours and trying to stretch it longer rather then telling a guy his time is up.
That seems like a perfectly normal rate progression to me. It takes her just as long to get ready for half an hour as it does an hour, so why not pass a little of that lost time along to the guy that wants a short appointment? I don't do half hours, so it doesn't bother me at all.

I do enjoy seeing cases where 2 45 minute appointments are cheaper than a single 90 minute appointment, or where the 60-90 cost is one thing and the 90-120 cost is double, like 90 minutes is her limit. It's true there's some crazy math out there sometimes.
Treetop78759's Avatar
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
My thoughts exactly...break it down by dollar per minute and its a little different outlook. I think maybe shes trying to run off the cheap skates but offer a fair price and likely enjoys the longer sessions Originally Posted by GingerLyn Harte
Yep, if'n ya use $250/30mins as yer base an' prorate up frum thar, an hour oughta run a fella $500, 90 mins shuld go get $750, an a 2 hour seshun wuld be $1,000.

Thet price structure vs. them rates wuld equal ta a $200 discount fer bookin' an hour, a $350 discount fer 90 minits, an' $500 off if ya book 2 hours, based off a rate o' $250 fer each 30 minits.

But lots o' fellas don't ne'er look at tha prices thet way, only tha cost o' each increment'l 30 minits. An' then make fun o' tha gals slangin' tha poon fer bein' stoopid.

Thet's laik tellin' yer bartend'r ya thinck they's a moron an' tha drincks is all water'd down jus' 'fore ya go ta order anutha round.

Hell, e'en if'n yer rite 'bout thet barkeep, thar's no need ta say it out loud, rite ta them, jus' as yer lookin' ta wet yer whistle. Not e'ery thang thet kin be said, HAS ta be said, ALL tha time.
use pricing to deal with the guys booking half hours and trying to stretch it longer rather than telling a guy his time is up. Originally Posted by Whispers
I actually agree with Whispers. (Jesus Christ, what is the world coming to?!)

Sooooo many guys try to overstay the 30-minute session. Girls are tired of it, so they over-price their half-hours (hell, I’ve taken half-hour sessions off the menu before because of this issue). I get that clients might want to try out someone with a shorter session before committing both time and money to an hour or more. But god bless, if I had a dollar for every dude who tried to linger past his allotted half-hour, I’d have a fuck ton of dollars. IJS.
knotty man's Avatar
Seems like a normal pricing schedule.
In almost every retail industry, the higher the quantity of the product sold ( either by weight or by time or by count)the greater the savings. .
This discourages the "tire kickers" but allows for those short on funds.
While rewards those with deeper pockets with a better amount of service at a lower rate
I actually agree with Whispers. (Jesus Christ, what is the world coming to?!) Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
We did just have a major solar eclipse in August...

Seems like a normal pricing schedule.
In almost every retail industry, the higher the quantity of the product sold ( either by weight or by time or by count)the greater the savings. .

This discourages the "tire kickers" but allows for those short on funds.

While rewards those with deeper pockets with a better amount of service at a lower rate Originally Posted by knotty man
Concur with your reasoning above. Two reasons: Ladies provide discount for those who schedule longer sessions--2-hr session requires the same setup/cleanup as does QV; and ladies need to allow for those with limited funds while also protecting against the potential guys who schedule short sessions and then try to stay over time.

Yep, beauty of the competitive market place and pricing policies which float with and respond to market conditions.
Hooker math just doesn't add up.......... Originally Posted by winn dixie
An update with another example poor marketing.
200 hhr
300 HR
500 90 min

I am up for adding a 100 for 30 minutes, but to then add 200 for another 30 minutes? It makes no sense to me. I would have to be dumb as a fence post to request 90 minutes. I am not the smartest person on the planet ... and neither is this math whiz who created this fee schedule. C'mon ladies.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
An update with another example poor marketing.
200 hhr
300 HR
500 90 min

I am up for adding a 100 for 30 minutes, but to then add 200 for another 30 minutes? It makes no sense to me. I would have to be dumb as a fence post to request 90 minutes. I am not the smartest person on the planet ... and neither is this math whiz who created this fee schedule. C'mon ladies. Originally Posted by acefirstbase
Just book 2 hour sessions back to back.....