Kindall Nicole - The right way to make an introduction

eccieuser13's Avatar
I often wonder, why do some men send one-liner texts to women they've never met and supposedly are looking to meet?

The infamous "Available?" and "Hey," why do men do this?

I don't want to jump to conclusions, so if you have some insight, feel free to enlighten me.

How I like to be introduced to you

I love a phone call! I also understand that sometimes you might be wondering if it's a good time to call and so you will ask via text.
For me personally, I like a phone call regardless. If it's not a great time to answer, I will always call you back later.

I feel that these type of one-liner texts like "Available?" and "Hey" are really strange if you've never been acquainted with someone before.

So what do you think?
bammer1515's Avatar
When I first started out in this hobby I would do some of the same. I think it was a fear thing, and this would be a way of backing out easy if you weren’t comfortable with the response. Or if your SO happened to see your text. Just my opinion and how I saw it back then. Don’t think it’s a disrespect Thing.
I feel the same way, Kindall. I like a little more fullness on both messages and e-mail, to show some thought and effort being put forth.
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
Amazingly done as always Kindell.Much respect.

I started the hobby in my younger yrs.Inexperienced and ignorant I’d use these one liners.Looking back at it now I’ve come a long way.

One liners:Lame
Eloquent lengthy introduction:She instantly becomes moist.
eccieuser13's Avatar
I really appreciate the feedback. It's very easy to make assumptions.

Thanks! I will try to keep an open mind about this
The introduction goes both ways. My first contact is usually a paragraph or two. When I get the Hey or ok response. I hit delete and move on.
hoursefly2's Avatar
On first contact I like the send a hello sexy or short contact. Not all ladies are interested. I hate to writing a hello book and the lady hit delet. So I send a short hello. If I get a hello back then I know we are both Interested and can proceed with a phone call or book writing to get to know each other
tuckahoe's Avatar
The only calls I used to make were to set up a time and place. I might have already expressed interest in an eccie thread.

Kindall's insistence on a phone call seemed odd at first, because no one else had ever wanted that before. It seemed like it was breaking the rules. Girls didn't want guys to call just to talk; we were supposed to call when we were ready to set up a date. I never did the one liners.
It wasn't easy for me to make phone call, but I did it anyway, and I am glad I did. Even if something was to happen to keep me from ever getting to see her in person, I would never forget having a conversation with her.

Getting to know a little about her makes me think about more than just her looks; it will definitely make it more comfortable to meet in person.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Lots of differences in what various ladies want in first contacts, I usually follow any direction given to the letter to show I'm paying attention. Most want a text and I'll keep those short and to the point but not just a Hey Baby. It's rare that one wants a voice call but I have no problem with that assuming I'm able to find the privacy on my end to do so.
eccieuser13's Avatar
It certainly does not excite me when I get the one- or two-liners.
I always get a negative first impression. I definitely would not recommend it

If someone can't call right away, I like, I'm "So-and-so. I'll be in ___ on Friday. When's a good time to call?"

Anything but "Hey" or those variations