What methods do you use to research a lady before booking?

1way2rock's Avatar
Here are the things I know to do, what else can you add?
1. Search the boards
2. Google
3. Tineye
4. reverse phone look up
5. Post to fellow hobbiest
I've noticed that some people google the text from the ad, to find duplicates, possibly under a different name.

I try to determine the 'provenance' of a reviewer. How new is he? How many other reviews? Etc....difficult now that most of us have started over on this particular board.

Also, clicking through the 'past ads by this poster' on backpage, and then clicking the same on the past ads, sometimes turns up nuggets - you can figure out who is working with who, or who is posing as two different people, or who changes phone numbers every week, etc.

There are things I look for when we talk on the phone, but I won't go into details.
3. Tineye Originally Posted by 1way2rock

I love love this website!

3. Tineye
Thanks 1way & Lacrew I learned something new! lol
BobsAlias's Avatar
am I being unnecessarily paranoid to think that maybe LE would read a post like this & use the info to try & be more sneaky w/ stings & such? or...do they already know all of these tricks anyway?
kcpumper's Avatar
BobsAlias - they're trained investigative "professionals"! They could probably teach us all a trick or two. Too bad they don't have such readily available tools to catch the dangerous real criminals.

Another check I do is pipl.com -handy for searching phone #s.
BobsAlias - they're trained investigative "professionals"! They could probably teach us all a trick or two. Too bad they don't have such readily available tools to catch the dangerous real criminals.

Another check I do is pipl.com -handy for searching phone #s. Originally Posted by kcpumper
And I can still hear Master Dennis rringginng in at this point for the record....
And I can still hear Master Dennis rringginng in at this point for the record.... Originally Posted by ss4699
He would probably say that LE is all over this and every other board and to think or believe otherwise is pure folly (and that they routinely pose as both "verified" providers and hobbyists [who provide the verification]) and aside from PMs (unless they subpoena them) they know everything that goes on both in the provider only access areas and BCD / ROS, that they know every trick in the book, that they verify / screen successfully (when booking an appointment) every single time if they WANT to because they know exactly what information to manufacture (and they have access to Escorts and providers involved in active prosecutions for "vouches") and if they really want you, there's nothing you can do about it, because they will eventually get you if you draw enough of the WRONG attention to yourself (as an Escort / provider / Agency). Then he would most likely go on and say that LE doesn't need to be sneaky or tricky, that there are enough gentlemen that will call ANY ad and show up to their "incall sting" that they bust so many that they can't keep up with the paperwork when they do run an operation because all you gentlemen think with your little head . . . overwhelmingly, it isn't the savvy hobbyist or provider that LE wants to snag . . they want easy prosecutions from individuals that won't hire an attorney or challenge them so they can post numbers (statistics) for funding / grants. But occasionally, they'll get a provider to cooperate (think Jordan) and then all kind of shit hits the fan, again, because gentlemen think that once she's a good call she is always a good call and their little head does the thinking . . . He'd probably also mention that when they do actually happen upon a true case of human trafficking or drug sales connected with the hobby that we all (hobbyist and Escort / provider alike) secretly applaud them for their efforts and that otherwise they should leave adults to their own damn business if no one is being coerced and everything else is otherwise ran "clean".

The lower hanging fruit makes for easy picking.

There's nothing you can post here they don't already know.

And, he'd be correct.

Then he'd snicker, give an "AH-HAAA" and remind you that Plaza Escorts will not arrest you . . .


- Jackie

EDIT: as was pointed out to me in an email, he would not have written it in coherent sentences in a logical order . . then he would catch flak for being off topic, which I will most likely now suffer . . .
Longermonger's Avatar
Hahahahaha That made me smile. He'd also put in something about being brown and handsome.
Jackie should run for office. I'd vote for her.
SFviii's Avatar
Dennis's signature always states that he was a fine handsome of a man and owner of the prestigious agency in the midwest (KC & TX). His posts were at times funny but full of valuable info. He was also trying very hard to be on his best behavior to avoid points from Omahan & Bubba.

P411 and Date-Check are also very good sites to check...

growler's Avatar
I like to see where she advertises, such as here, Escorts, P411, or even the Backpage.
I'll read her reviews if possible.
Then visit her website.
Read her posts,it will tell you about her, just as your will give her an idea about you.
Finally I like to call & talk with her. For example, I called this particular lady, just to talk about what she was experiencing at the time. And I've subsequently discovered what an incredible lady she is........IMHO a course
I'll give away one of my 'markers', because it would be hard for LE to replicate. If I call a girl and hear absolute chaos in the background, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling. I'm talking kids screaming, boyfriends in the background talking to somebody else on his phone, shouting, cussing whatever in the background.

Sure, this might be indicative of a sub par session, but by this point, the little head has taken over.

I just think its difficult for LE to replicatethe background noise that seems to follow so many providers.
I'll give away one of my 'markers', because it would be hard for LE to replicate. If I call a girl and hear absolute chaos in the background, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling. I'm talking kids screaming, boyfriends in the background talking to somebody else on his phone, shouting, cussing whatever in the background.

Sure, this might be indicative of a sub par session, but by this point, the little head has taken over.

I just think its difficult for LE to replicate the background noise that seems to follow so many providers. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Actually, there was a company called Simeda that offered this exact service as a download for certain brands of cell phones and then as a stand-alone "call rerouting" service. Interestingly, some of the the company's assets were purchased . . . BY THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT through a trustee's sale during a bankruptcy . . . it is widely rumored that the software is available for download (with modifications) for use by any law enforcement agency making the request. If you'd like to try it and you have a compatible cell phone or a newer phone that can run an emulator, you can still download it in the wild from several Internet Websites . . . there are also several "pay per call" or "pay per month" virtual switchboards that will re-route your call and add ambient background noise to any call from any phone . . . these are more popular because the one big issue with the Simeda software was that if the call lasted too long, the injected background noise would "loop" and if you paid close attention you would figure it out . . . of the Simeda files that were the most popular - crying baby and noisy family followed by rain (thunder) and doctor's or dentist office . . the most popular background noises for call rerouting services are generally car repair shops or "work" noises that will cover you being at work or detained unavoidably . . . handy for calling the wife when needing to see someone else (or the last minute Escort / provider cancellation) . . . they even offer sirens and other sounds to simulate your being "detained" in a traffic accident. There are other software packages available for newer phones that have come and gone based on the operating system of the phone, interestingly, most all of them used the Simeda sounds. Google it and you might find one for your phone - as a "app" for the iPhone or Droid!

So, not difficult to replicate at all, in fact, when they would call the Agency (Plaza) we would easily recognize the Simeda sounds in the background . . . they used them often. ESPECIALLY casino floor sounds. Simeda sound files are easy to pick out if you have a trained ear.


- Jackie
Well I learned somthing today...gulp