Review guidelines

Are they listed somewhere? I had a new to this board client said he would write one, but did not know how.

Also, should the provider’s handle be part of the title?
And how specific the location is supposed to be?
Suzanna, at the top of both the Questions for Staff thread and the Encounter Reports thread are some “stickys” that explain the process. It’s always good to have the provider’s handle in the title. And the location should be quite generic. For example, something like “Overland Park” or “north of 435, south of 70 on the KS side”... but not “the hotel on the southeast corner of 119th and Metcalf”
Suzanna, at the top of both the Questions for Staff thread and the Encounter Reports thread are some “stickys” that explain the process. It’s always good to have the provider’s handle in the title. And the location should be quite generic. For example, something like “Overland Park” or “north of 435, south of 70 on the KS side”... but not “the hotel on the southeast corner of 119th and Metcalf” Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Thanks forgot it was in sticky
I guess it’s too late to fix it
CryptKicker's Avatar
Thanks forgot it was in sticky
I guess it’s too late to fix it Originally Posted by SweetSuzanna
If something needs to be fixed PM me and I'll see what I can do.