OH2 not secure

When I try to go to the site, it’s telling my that the site “might be trying to impersonate ourhome to get my personal information.

Doesn’t happen every time but every now and again.

Any one else experiencing this?
Yep. Got the same thing. When I clicked on to the site anyway, I got a message saying the administrator has banned my IP address.
Swang84's Avatar
This morning was ok and now it’s back down .. been issues happening since yesterday
Yep. Same thing here.
Good to know it was not just me.

Thanks for info.
hddb1990's Avatar
Thanks for the info coz I just got the banned IP address message as well
I just got the banned IP address message as well
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'm getting the banned IP address right now. Hopefully the issue is fixed soon.

I'm just glad to know I'm not actually banned. I've been on OH2 since pretty much the beginning of the site.
Yup, so back here it is.
Totempole's Avatar
Guessing OH2's SSL Certificates have expired and will take time to re-up. Staying away during the interim.

For banned IPs, see it when using various US locations under a vpn, usually pointing to European servers resolves the issue.
I'm glad I'm not alone in this. This has been going on and off for about a week now.
I am having same problem also
TryWeakly's Avatar