Gabby unresponsive

Is Gabby (of a selective
and/or unresponsive gal?

I filled out her screening form. Haven't heard back in days. Should I take it as a hint?
bobmidnight's Avatar
Try her on Twitter.
lilylivered's Avatar
seems she said her web site was down and to text her instead...
ben dover's Avatar She was online yesterday.
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Unresponsive is not so bad. You just gave to do a little more work yourself
Rainbird4668's Avatar
Fuck that. Move on. She must not need your money enough. There are others who do.
2 ,3
10 Cock pics ll get your response
Set up something a few times and when I'm ready to head over she cancels making some BS reason
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
No answer is an answer.