Senile Biden has become the first Black, Lesbian President of the United States

berryberry's Avatar
When the President of the United States tweets always remember that he’s a woman with poodle hair and a truth disability.

berryberry's Avatar
No wonder Obama had the imbecile Senile Biden as his VP - Barry had a thing for guys (and Big Mike of course) and now we see the truth about Senile Biden

DNinja69's Avatar
That is quite a look for Biden I think some lip color would set it off and the bare shoulder pink dress is a pretty style just don't see Obama filling it out enough to catch my eye. But everyone can be Barbie we continue to see that idea embraced as the movie is close to making the Top 10 list all-time for movie grosses.

Of course higher ticket prices thanks in part to the awful economy under the Biden administration may have inflated the numbers a bit. Either way people all over the world have enjoyed their Barbie moment it is a beautiful thing!

On giggling at or trying to shame someone for being a lesbian I don't really find much humor in it especially being a person who is attracted to those from the 'inny' section not the 'outy' it seems pretty natural to me. I really prefer someone else touch my penis but will do it myself from time to time so gay men are not my choice to shower with but otherwise really no different we all check the same box. Human.
berryberry's Avatar
No wonder Obama had the imbecile Senile Biden as his VP - Barry had a thing for guys (and Big Mike of course) and now we see the truth about Senile Biden Originally Posted by berryberry
I thought this site had rules against posting pornographic images? Why do you keep posting things from your spank bank?

I also do not understand the obsession with a public figures sexuality, let's pretend that your claims are somehow true and a former POTUS is gay behind closed doors and married to a trans man... What exactly is wrong with that?

But if that's your fetish, you do you.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-16-2023, 10:45 AM
I thought this site had rules against posting pornographic images? Why do you keep posting things from your spank bank?

I also do not understand the obsession with a public figures sexuality, let's pretend that your claims are somehow true and a former POTUS is gay behind closed doors and married to a trans man... What exactly is wrong with that?

But if that's your fetish, you do you. Originally Posted by zippyboy
Problem is, its a lie to the people, same as Lezbo Hillary, her daughter is Web Hubbles kid, and, the marriage was nothing but a marriage of political convenience.

Obama is a white guy, who would have married a white woman, and been the first Biracial president, but, that wasn't good enough, he had to "Fit" the picture he needed to win the election.

All lies, instead, he's the first BLACK president, but, only half black genetically.

Go to Chicago, learn how to be a city born black man, something he never was in Hawaii, marry a black something, go the correct church with a radical preacher, and become exactly the opposite of what he really was, or at least, the opposite of how he was raised.

Liars all, fabricate the lies and propaganda to win, and do the same thing to anyone who runs against them, lie about them.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-16-2023, 10:49 AM
Remember early on, there was a guy who claimed he was Obamas lover, and, that they (Staff edit) but the lies we know now, WERE lies, it makes that accusation far more plausible.
berryberry's Avatar
I also do not understand the obsession with a public figures sexuality, let's pretend that your claims are somehow true and a former POTUS is gay behind closed doors and married to a trans man... What exactly is wrong with that?
Originally Posted by zippyboy
Facts matter, the truth matters

The leftists have made the trans agenda part of their whole platform - pushing this deranged ideology on all Americans

Here is the latest example

This is Senile Biden’s Trans Health Secretary (a man posing as a woman — and not convincingly) endorsing the idea of scrubbing the term “women” for “egg producers.” Is he so jealous he can’t be female that he wants to erase those who are? or is he just mentally deranged? Or both?

Biden's trans health secretary Dr Rachel Levine praises Alaska gender-affirming care clinic which wants word 'mother' replaced with phrase EGG PRODUCER
Cool, I get it a bit more now. I would say your list of politicians who have not lied about their personal lives is a short list. Doubt it would be easy to maintain that same quality standard with all politicians overall - even those supported by you all.

Again I think this whole theory is a bit far fetched and smells like smear propaganda, but if it somehow proves to be true I can't say I would care much as what people do in there own bedrooms is their business.

Sure seems like y'all are having fun bringing it out of the bedroom though... I thought gays and trans didn't bother the right if they weren't shouting it from the roof tops... Ah well.