Arkansas meet and greets?

Lovelyyellie's Avatar
Well trying to find out if they do those hair or no? And if they don't, who would be interested in trying to start a monthly or bi-monthly meet and greet party? I could possibly do the venue, let's brainstorm
Well trying to find out if they do those hair or no? And if they don't, who would be interested in trying to start a monthly or bi-monthly meet and greet party? I could possibly do the venue, let's brainstorm Originally Posted by Lovelyyellie
Who would be invited to join your meet and greet?
Lovelyyellie's Avatar
Well in Texas we would get together monthly and it would be verified providers and easily known members of The Forum that have established themselves and we get together and have a party at a private venue (house) or a public venue being a restaurant or equivalent. It lets you put a face to a name and establish a bit of a community where everyone gets to know everyone in a physical way that is not session related. In Texas this is a very popular thing. Now I've never personally held a meet and greet in Texas, though I would be open to using my house out here in the country for such an event. Anything can be accomplished with planning and compromise, and boobs always help any situation LOL. I just wanted some people's thoughts and input on this and if this would even be possible or wanted in this area
In a perfect world, sure. But I value my anonymity here far too much to participate in a meet and greet. Back to that small state thing again, the odds of running into someone I know are not acceptable to me.
Lovelyyellie's Avatar
Back to the statistics thing again, the small state is in your favor for the unlikelihood of running into someone you know. And meeting other verified providers how can that be a bad thing? If the largest cities in the state of Texas and United States have almost no issues why would the small state of Arkansas? LOL what that being said it's not a requirement. And honestly if I would be hosting the meet and greet it would be up to my discretion to who was invited and accepted LOL. With that being said me being so new to Arkansas and this forum I would have light requirements in order to have an acceptable hobbyist come to the meet and greet. Like I said I've never held a meet-and-greet on my own, but have been too many many meet and greets in Texas. I shall get with Ck, a very well-known old school ASPD hobbyist / what ever we call it now, and I shall ask his advice on how I should try to even proceed further. LOL like I said I'm brainstorming and I'm asking input I'm sure that I will hear a wide range of all kinds of excuses or atta boys LOL. Let the suggestions and input commence
This small state makes it definitely more likely to run into someone that I know. But I'm not going to argue about it. You asked for opinions and I gave mine. I'm done.
Lovelyyellie's Avatar
Well darling, I wasn't aware that we were arguing, was redirecting off of your comments. But thank you for your input and have a great day
Lovelyyellie's Avatar
I must have the definition of co-ed discussion and forum confused with something other than what it is lol....
I personally think it’s a very bad idea and that most members will probably agree with me. Most people here already have a small circle of trust established, and those are the only people that we are comfortable with knowing our identities.

Like the great majority of gentlemen here, I value my anonymity. There’s a reason I don’t post my face in my ads… I don’t want people to know who I am.

Also, not every lady here is an honest indy... With pimp involvement, the potential for blackmail and extortion is huge. How difficult would it be for someone with bad intentions to snap cellphone pictures of people and their vehicles & plates at meet & greets, and misuse that information later? Not difficult at all. I do it at Walmart all the time when I see someone shopping in their pajamas or poorly fitting spandex. Lol

Sorry to be a party pooper, but I see nothing but apprehension and potential problems.
Lovelyyellie's Avatar
And I thank you for you for it darling. I'm only trying to establish a sense of community within the forum like texas has. They even do verified ladies only lunches, help with donation fundraising for example, every Christmas toys for tots, wounded warriors (Being from Fort Hood and army brat)
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Im new around far be it from me to try and come off as an expert..

But arkansas tried meet n greets..they sorta fizzled and fell flat..

I..would suggest in regards to arkansas...follow the old saying..when in rome........

Arkansas isnt texas..never has been never will COULD be better than it is currently..but guys hobby different here..not better or worse..just different..

But meet n greets..considering everything it would would be foolish to even much much exposure to already nosey people.

Those that feel the need to hangout already do..
Vannah's Avatar
I think the idea sounds really neat, but Ginger is right about the unnecessary complications that could arise. If you decide to have one I hope it's a success!
tuckahoe's Avatar
Being recognized by other hobbyists could cause some serious complications in life. For many of us, Eccie needs to remain a secret life.
I understand where yellie is coming from here. I also know where yellie came from to here! The hobby in Arkansas is vastly different than in Texas. It is a very high likelihood of running into someone you would not want to see (or be seen by) at one of these in Arkansas. I for one would never consider attending such an event.
I think the idea has merit, Yellie.

Being a newbie, I find the meet-n-greet idea appealing for quickly establishing contacts among providers and clients.

What is so bad about recognizing a hobbyist in public? - There is no compelling reason to stop and chat!

As for the potential for a rogue attendee to "take names & photos", no crime is being committed so what has been proven?! I'm not a lawyer, but I fail to see how attending such an event entails any more risk than, say, parking at a motel known to be popular with hobbyists.

But clearly the "nays" posted here outnumber the yeahs. You might consider starting small, Yellie, and see if over time the advantages overcome the risks, so the idea proves itself and grows - or not. The key might be to carefully select attendees, though I have no suggestion regarding how to go about that - Readers??