Sex Trafficking in the Bay Area

bone4texas's Avatar

Thought this was a very good article. Something to think about the next time you're pounding away on your favorite lady! Makes you want to always be kind and respectful because you really don’t know what a person’s situation is. I especially like the last comment…

"Most customers come into a massage parlor thinking nothing is wrong: that it's a job we choose. It doesn't occur to them that we are slaves."

Have to admit though, there are some really awesome ladies out there...let's help them get through their troubles quicker...Lol
FunInDFW's Avatar
Some pretty heavy stuff being talked about in the article. Your reaction, specifically the last bit, is quite confusing. I don't find this lol-worthy that the 'awesome lady' I'm 'pounding away' at could be sex slave.

That's just me, though... lol
bone4texas's Avatar
Oh, I’m being partially facetious. I’m just as guilty as the next guy for using these girls when my little heart desires it. But I’m just so sick of reading about how much she loved it and how many times she O’d and we made a connection. I think the article helps to drive home the fact that these girls have to perform in order to trump up business. Not all are in the same situation…I’m sure there are some who really have it together and hence, are independent. Then there are some who are just slaves to their own habits, whether it’s shopping, drugs, gambling or living the high life. I have met many who have told me that they send money home and are actually supporting their families and providing them with a better. And they do it at the expense of their own dignity. Many never go home and never see their families again. Just something to think about the next time you go to the spa...sweaty balls and all!