You run into your boss at the hotel...

Crash Davis's Avatar
My boss and peers like to stay when in town at the popular hotel areas that the ladies like to book. We all know sh!t happens. What to say when you run into your boss or anyone you know for that matter in the hall/lobby (assume no bar) on your way to meet the lady?
  • Paven
  • 01-08-2013, 04:53 PM
Well it's none of their dang business but if asked you could say that an old buddy is passing through town, gave you a call and invited you over to have a beer and shoot the shiat.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Especially difficult situation when you called in sick.
pyramider's Avatar
Tell your boss your are a high dollar male escort and you are running late to his wife's room to tickle her taint.
Just focus on going to the room. Don't use look around and pretend you did not see them if they wave. Wear some sunglasses and a hat so you are not too recognizable.
I would just give him a high five and see him back at the office.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
If it will cause problems then get a room somewhere else, no since in chancing it LOL @ MB too funny

LaStang's Avatar
if they ask ..... your moonlighting as a gigalo because they don't pay enough .
Haha, I would just show him a pic of what was waiting for me upstairs. He'll what are the odds he will believe you.
awl4knot's Avatar
Just focus on going to the room. Don't use look around and pretend you did not see them if they wave. Wear some sunglasses and a hat so you are not too recognizable. Originally Posted by mikkifine
And a beard, mustache and black trench coat. Your boss won't recognize you but the house dick will ask you for ID and your room key.
Actually I have had dates with guys who are contractors and they are staying in the same hotel as their supervisors or owners of the company. Discretion is key, if you have an inkiling that you may run into someone you know at a hotel it is good to carry a suitcase or sportsbag with you. If it is the daytime, say you are just dropping papers to a client or prospective client ( or someone willing to make an investment in a proposition and you are dropping off business plans) , at night time say your relatives have flown in and they have left a piece of luggage in you trunk after you picked them up from the airport.

If you boss is from out of town and visiting your city I would highly suggest to ask him where his accomodations are ( if he asks why, just tell then that you would be more than happy to be of service if he needs anything while in town- recommend restaurants in the hotels vicinity that you like or convenience stores that sell toiletries at a cheaper price than the hotel).

For any situation there is always a convincing story if you have enough foresight.
Just focus on going to the room. Don't use look around and pretend you did not see them if they wave. Wear some sunglasses and a hat so you are not too recognizable. Originally Posted by mikkifine is good to carry a suitcase or sportsbag with you. If it is the daytime, say you are just dropping papers to a client or prospective client ( or someone willing to make an investment in a proposition and you are dropping off business plans) , at night time say your relatives have flown in and they have left a piece of luggage in you trunk after you picked them up from the airport. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
I actually have a hobby truck I use. I don't want my regular vehicle to accidentally be seen at a hotel. I get out, put my sunglasses on and carry a bag with nothing in it to the hotel. If anyone sees me, I am visiting relatives who are in town.

If I'm at a higher end hotel, I will just drive my regular vehicle and I was at the restaurant if anyone saw me.
happybanana's Avatar
Just being logical here... but how about not scheduling appointments when your boss(es) are in town or at least not at that hotel.
Still Looking's Avatar
I would just turn into Jack.....

Crash Davis's Avatar
@SL...I love it.

@HappyB - The issue would arise with a traveling/touring lady that is established in the hotel of her choice.