Review - BLUE BALLS with JadeWinters.. fukin sucked!

4funn's Avatar
  • 4funn
  • 07-25-2017, 09:04 PM
Date: July/25
Provider: jadewinters
User ID: 354551
Phone: will provide after screening
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website:
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Stone Oak area
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: blue balls
Session Length: N/A
Fee: Way more than $$$ by wasting my time
Hair Length and Color: N/A
Age: 25-28
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: For what everyone else says.. Just plain gorgeous!
see showcase
The Rest of the Story: It takes A LOT for me to write a negative review specially with a hottie like Jade that has ALL yeses!..
However, when "you don't even have the courtesy to communicate and apologize for ruining my work day and getting me blue balls, I better express my experience!..

I've been wanting to see this gal for almost a year but for whatever reason our schedules never matched..
She contacted me last month when she came to SA but I was out of town so I asked her to give me "heads up" the following time she were to come down.
I noticed her last week's ad so I contact her to set up the appointment for Tuesday 25 and we even communicated on Monday 24 to refresh her memory.. She asked me to (re)confirm today in AM so I did and she did as well..
A couple of hours before the date I messaged her to let her know I was on my way home to shower, then heading out her way.. She was ok with all but when on my way she asked me if she could push the time 15-20min.. Not big deal, she picked a nice place so I was planning to chill at the lobby for 10-15min.
She texted informing me that she'll text when ready so I arrived at the original time and waited 10min in the car..
I got out of car since the place she picked it is right next to one of my wife's favorite places to shop and didn't want it to chance it.
20min after our original set time I texted her from the lobby and guess what.. she didn't respond!..
20 more and texted again saying that I started to feel uncomfortable and needed to go up soon.. crickets!...
10 minutes more I texted again telling her that ignoring me was BS and that I was leaving in 5min... and yes, crickets...

I left ONE FUCKIN hour after our original agreement and she never answered texts or communicate to explain.
I have the feeling that some rich dude before me outbid me so she blew me off..
It's fuckin sad because this chick looks super hot and wanted to see her really bad..

Again.. It is uncomfortable to write this but I don't take shit from no none, specially from pussy Im paying for!..
To all the WK's and Jade lovers.. check out my review history before you say something stupid.. Recommendation: No.. very disappointing
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Very sorry to hear; off my to-do list
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
Sorry it went down like that. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable. Lots of us are glad you let us know.

Hopefully she will contact you and try to make it up to you.
ck1942's Avatar
As we all know, stuff happens, and, by reviewing an NCNS the o.p.

1) adds to the data base with a direct link to the provider's review string

2) usually all the ROS will be revealed when the thread is shifted to the coed forum, thus allowing a legal reply by the reviewed subject if she chooses to do so.

I do support the above process (not taking sides here) but I also suggest that it may be appropriate to give the provider at least 24 hours past the failed appointment before posting.

Hoping it all works out!
Well put CK. It changed my position on moving the review to coed. I didn't think about giving the provider the opportunity to respond and wasn't aware the review remained attached to the providers reviews.
That blows. She's been in my list but rarely pay $$$ for service.
oldtiger's Avatar
No activities took place. Moved to proper forum.

Crispy1969's Avatar
I've seen her 4 times & you have to catch her early. Same thing happened to me a few months ago with No Apology as well. She txt me the other day but never replied back after that. She talks a lot during session & they go way over then she Crashes out for awhile so Good Luck is all I can say.
4funn's Avatar
  • 4funn
  • 07-26-2017, 11:51 AM
I do support the above process (not taking sides here) but I also suggest that it may be appropriate to give the provider at least 24 hours past the failed appointment before posting. Originally Posted by ck1942

I've seen her 4 times & you have to catch her early. Same thing happened to me a few months ago with No Apology as well. She txt me the other day but never replied back after that. She talks a lot during session & they go way over then she Crashes out for awhile so Good Luck is all I can say. Originally Posted by Crispy1969

I spent 2016 covering up for a lot of NCNS's but enough is enough.. I think sometimes providers think we don't have nothing else to do and don't mind ignoring us.. At premium rates the experience should be flawless regardless of who's providing
JRod2's Avatar
  • JRod2
  • 07-26-2017, 03:36 PM
Well Done Sir. Fuck these chicks that play games. They need to stick to Backpage if they can't be professional what they do. I for one play on ECCIE since I'm a busy person and don't have time to play games. I say let's out all these flaky providers no matter how many Yes reviews they have.
Definitely appreciate the post. Expect more from $$$ provider.

ck1942's Avatar
Gents, (Ladies, too!)

Been said many, many times earlier and will continue to be repeated by those of us (male/female) who understand the provider genre:

Many of the newer (and even some more well-established) providers coming on board are not, repeat NOT, "business people" who have much if any successful experience in the RW work force.

Gents, must set their TCB expectations accordingly through thorough research, or they may or may not be disappointed in TCB (partial or total).

Ladies with a sincere interest in sticking around more than a short term and having a "clean" record vis-a-vis TCB must pay attention, too.

Wishing, I am, that more of us (both genders) would have an abiding interest in helping to develop new "talent" but we all know that ain't gonna happen.

Usta be (back in the good old dayz) there were more folks willing to hold informal "seminars" and share lessons learned. Maybe over a lunch or a brunch, in small groups and even in BCD situations.

Still happens, maybe one on one or in very small corners at an M&G, but obviously not often enough.
4funn's Avatar
  • 4funn
  • 07-27-2017, 10:14 AM
Most definitely.. and based on what others say

Definitely appreciate the post. Expect more from $$$ provider.

Originally Posted by SARufus
4funn -- Thanks for your candid account. I will not tolerate that crap from anyone, no matter how hot-looking.